
#1 First line of page break error..

Henri T.

With the following PDML source, the generated PDF has
a weird left-align bug at the first line of the second
page which is inconsistent with the flow of rest of page.

PDML Source:
<title>Sample PDML document</title>
<rotate angle="0" center="30mm,190mm">
<div top=0.4cm left=1cm height=1.5cm>
<font color="#CDCDCD" face=arial size=10pt>
<b>Water Mark Test</b>

<P>Scene 1: T&#039;was the night the flower blooms yet
it&#039;s end awaits. Tonight is a night of
celebrations where the princess and prince meets at
their first masked ball.</P>

<P>&nbsp;It is a joyous night of peace and serenity, a
fabulous day for celebration of the birth of the
magical being Kerberos. With that, a grand ball is held
in the palace of the land of Yue. Everyone across the
war-stricken land of Tomoeda is invited to this ball.
This night, the palace is filled with glistening gold
linings and splendid decorations. Tables are laid with
mouth-watering food and shining golden cutlery. The
dance floor is filled with couples of fine ladies and
gentlemen in elaborate gowns and suits, each wearing a
mask. As the music starts to play, these fine couples
start to dance in step to the smoothing music.<br><br>A
beautiful young lady, dressed in a gorgeous white silk
gown with red ribbon linings, enters the ballroom with
four lovely maidens. She walks with such love and grace
that enchants all the men who sees her. Although she
wears an elaborate red mask decorated with fine
feathers that conceals most of her face, her beauty
shines through. She was beautiful. One of her fair
maidens offers her a glass of cocktail as the princess
takes her seat in the front of the
ballroom.<br><br>"The long war over the Magic Stone
against our neighboring countries must have tire you
out, my dear Princess," says Rika, the maiden who
handed the glass over to the princess. <br><br>"Your
Highness, as you can see, everyone wears a mask in this
ball," started Chiharu, another of her fine
maidens.<br><br>The third maiden, Naoko, who stood
beside the princess continues, "Also, it is a joyous
day to celebrate, so please, do not worry and enjoy the
ball to your heart&#039;s content."<br><br>The princess
looked at all her maidens with gratitude in her eyes.
She appreciates the efforts they had put in to bring
her to this ball. She smiles and says, "Thank you,
everyone." She shyly looks down at the floor and says,
"But I am not a great dancer, this ball does not suit
me."<br><br>The last maiden, Meilin, smiles and takes
the princess&#039; hand and comforts her. "It&#039;s
alright, milady. All you have to do is to dance with a
great dancer as your dance partner." She lifts the
princess&#039; hand. "Now... relax and have some fun."
As she said it, she releases the princess&#039; hand as
though she was releasing a caged bird, giving it
freedom to fly away.<br><br>However, this delicate bird
is afraid, lost and afraid, not knowing what she should
do next. She takes a bold step and starts walking
slowly towards the dance floor. She is truly beautiful
but even through her mask, one could see worry and
unhappiness in her eyes. She has been worried about the
Magic Stone, a magical stone that has brought war and
misery onto her people. The Magic Stone, prophesied
that the one who possess it will possess wondrous
power, great power at his command. She is Princess
Sakura, the princess from the land of Clow. As such,
being the princess, she bears the heavy burden of
searching for the Magic Stone and to bring happiness to
her people. Yet today, she gains liberation, to be free
of all her woes and burden, to celebrate and have fun.
Tonight, at this ball.<br><br>Sakura hesitates and
talks to herself, "I cannot do this. After all, I
can&#039;t dance with a stranger. Perhaps I should turn
back. Besides, I cannot have fun while my people are
still suffering and I cannot rest till the Magic Stone
is found. It is the reason why my country has been in
turmoil, why we have been fighting with our neighboring
country, Clamp for so long." She pauses and looks up
with lament in her eyes. "If only... If only there is
no such thing as war. If only... If only the Magic
Stone, which brings war and pain, is gone. It is better
off gone than in someone&#039;s
hands."<br><br>"Indeed."<br><br>A handsome and smart
young gentleman, dressed in a red tuxedo with a golden
sash across his chest, walks beside Sakura. He also
wears a mask, an orange mask that is not enough to mask
his gentle smile. He stood with the poise of a
Prince.<br><br>"I agree," said the Prince.
<br><br>Sakura was shocked by the sudden appearance of
this fine young gentleman and is pulled brought back
into reality from her deep thoughts. The dancers on the
floor continue to dance and she notices the gentleman
standing beside her. She is moved by young
gentleman&#039;s soft voice and is attracted to the
gorgeous eyes he had. Curious, she asks, "May I ask who
you are?"<br><br>The prince smiles and replies, "If I
am not wrong, the etiquette here is &#039;not to ask
for identities&#039;."<br><br>Sakura realized and
apologizes, "That&#039;s right, it slipped my mind.
I&#039;m sorry." She looked at the Prince&#039;s eyes.
He has such a gentle look and those eyes that glisten
in the dark. She shyly replies, "This is my first
masked ball. That&#039;s why..."<br><br>"Mine as well,"
the Prince interrupts.<br><br>"Really?" Sakura seem
surprised at the Prince&#039;s remark.<br><br>The
Prince looks up into a distant and says, "I have
forgotten how to dance as I have been busy. My
attendants brought me here today, after learning about
my intention to lock myself up."<br><br>Sakura lets out
a small laugh and says, "How coincidental, that applies
to me too."<br><br>The Prince turns to her, and smiles.
Though he is wearing a mask, Sakura could see through
the eyes that he is a gentle and kind hearted man.
Unknowingly she is moved by those eyes. "Hating war,
first masked ball," his smile deepens, "we are quite
alike"<br><br>Sakura smiles shyly, agreeing with what
the Prince just said, "Quite similar."<br><br>To
Sakura&#039;s amazement, the Prince offers his hand to
her, offering a dance. "Would you like to dance with
me?"<br><br>Sakura, still recovering from the initial
shock, replies, "But dancing is not one of my
for..."<br><br>The Prince leans towards Sakura,
bringing their distance closer till the point that
Sakura could feel her heart pumping faster. He whispers
softly into her ears, "I am not good
either."<br><br>Sakura, still not confident, "I will
definitely step on your feet."<br><br>The Prince turns
and offers his arm instead, prepared to bring Sakura
down onto the dance floor, "Then I will try my best to
dodge yours."<br><br>Sakura moved by his actions, takes
his hands and is led to the dance floor. Just as they
stepped onto the dance floor, the music changed into a
slow and romantic Waltz. The Prince took Sakura&#039;s
right hand and places it onto his shoulders, then takes
her other hand. After which, he places his left hand on
Sakura&#039;s waist and starts to lead Sakura in their
dance. As they start to dance, it seemed as though the
rest of the world does not matter anymore. Although it
is their first meeting, it feels as though they have
known each other for a very long time. Perhaps, she has
known him for a long time, longer than she thinks. As
time goes by, Sakura is lost in his eyes and his arms.
She is enjoying every single minute she is spending
with this mysterious Prince. This mysterious Prince has
moved her heart just by the kind words he had said, the
gentle voice he has and the beautiful eyes that he
possesses. <br><br>As for the Prince, even though
Sakura wore a mask, he is deeply captivated by her
beauty, her inner beauty. To him, she is the most
beautiful person he has ever seen and he could not help
but fall in love with her. Helplessly in love with her.
He could sense that she is keeping something within her
that distresses her, though she does not show it on her
face. But for now, it was their dance and nothing else
matters. Not even the Magic Stone. <br><br>However, not
everything is as wonderful as they think it is. As they
are deeply engrossed in their dance, oblivious to their
surroundings, commotion starts to stir amongst the
guards in the rear of the ballroom. <br><br>As the
music comes to an end, the Prince and Sakura stopped
dancing and walk towards the refreshment table. As they
approached the table, suddenly, the Prince&#039;s eyes
widened and he suggested to Sakura, "Let&#039;s
leave."<br><br>And so, disregarding everyone and
everything in the ballroom, the Prince led Sakura out
of the ballroom. </P>



  • Henri T.

    Henri T. - 2004-05-11

    Logged In: YES

    Ok, I can reproduce it.
    It seems related to a <br> tag triggering a page break.
    A work-around is to follow or replace the <br>tag with a
    <page/> tag, but that's painful as it requires going back in
    the document to add them.
    Given that PDML currently delegates most of its layout logic
    to FPDF, I suspect the bug is in that component.
    I'll track this down over the next few days.

  • Henri T.

    Henri T. - 2004-05-11
    • assigned_to: nobody --> metal_hurlant

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