
PDKB JavaLisp Implementation / News: Recent posts

PDKB mirror

The Public Domain Knowledge Base (PDKB) java implementation is available
in a variety of bundles. For folks interested in running JavaLisp, the
pdkb0.3.jar will provide the interpreter (just add it to the CLASSPATH).
One might also want to download the pdkbjlisp0.3.tar.gz, which contains
the lisp regression tests, the MELD expressions and current tests . . .

Though one could also use the library version, pdkblib0.3.tar.gz, which
contains the classes, the lisp and the MELD. The documentation created
using the javadoc tool and those documents describing the current effort
are in the pdkbdoc0.3.tar.gz . . . ... read more

Posted by Vic Bancroft 2000-08-27