
complexe mode with jpg background

  • worax

    worax - 2007-05-11

    I am using pdftohtml to convert ebooks (200+ pages), and put them on a website.
    The png weights too much, even optimized, so i convert it in jpg.
    The problem is the html pages have are all pointing to a png background and editing it handmade is time consuming.
    Is it possible too use the complexe mode and specify the background picture format ? (just in the html pages, the pictures will be converted afterwards from png).
    pdftohtml is a very useful tool.
    Thank you for your time.

    • worax

      worax - 2007-05-11


      "-dev <string> : output device name for Ghostscript (png16m, jpeg etc)"

      It works perfectly, like i said pdftohtml really rocks

      My appologies.


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