
Pdf Split and Merge with Bookmark Import / News: Recent posts

Source code also hosted on Github

The source code for this project is available as a download here and is also hosted on Github here:

I've started building a library of unit tests. If you have any suggestions for improvements please feel free to contirbute ideas.

Posted by cvanling 2018-02-02

PdfMerge 2.1 Release

This release includes a single executable portable version that can be used without installing. This should work on linux distribitions that support .NET. If you are using it on linux please send some feedback and let me know how it worked out.

A fix was made to allow use of semicolon separated page lists like "1;3-4".

As always source code is included, so feel free to download and make your own improvement. Feedback and comments are welcome.

Posted by cvanling 2018-01-27 Labels: 2.1 Release

PdfMerge 2.00 Release

Its has been a very long time since the last release! Becuase this is a brand new release you may need to bypass the windows smart screen to install.

This release is a combination of enhancements and bug fixes.

A feature was added to automatically recover the file locations when folders were moved or the files a being opened on a different computer. This helps a lot when using a google drive store the files being merged as well as the XML merge plan file. It the merge plan is opened on a different path on a different computer it will still open correctly now.... read more

Posted by cvanling 2017-12-23

PdfMerge 1.21 Released

A great thing about open source is that people send emails now and then to suggest really good improvements to PdfMerge.

So this release incorporates two great suggestions from people who took the time to send an email with a good idea.

When in the grid area of the main form, you can now right click on any row. You then get a context menu item that allows you to select to either duplicate the current row to the end of the form, or to copy the file name to the bookmark.... read more

Posted by cvanling 2012-10-22 Labels: PdfMerge 1.21

PdfMerge 1.20 Released

PdfMerge Now supports merging of later version PDF files including files that contain irefstreams. This was made possible by using the iTextSharp library to pre-process the PDF files prior to merging.

PdfMerge now allows page numbering to be optionally added to the bottom right of each page. In addition an optional footer label can be added to the bottom left of each page.

Finally, the output file name is now stored along with the merge list, to make it easier to repeat the same merge operation.... read more

Posted by cvanling 2012-10-08 Labels: PdfMerge 1.20

PdfMerge 1.19 Released

PdfMerge improved for use with Acrobat 8 files by incorporating the latest PdfSharp Library (version 1.20). The PdfMerge GUI was improved to show bookmark levels more clearly. An issue with language resources in the installer was fixed.

Posted by cvanling 2009-03-15

PdfMerge 1.18 Released

A new GUI was added which allows PdfMerge to read and write command definitions in XML format. Unicode characters are now supported for bookmarks.

Both an installer for end users and full source code is available.

The source code was ported to VS2008.

Posted by cvanling 2008-08-03

Just Created

PdfMerge just added to SourceForge!!

Posted by cvanling 2008-02-16