

Stefan Noll


PdfEbookCutter is a very similar project to Briss (

This program is rewritten in C# with more functionalities. It uses the the itextsharp ( pdf engine for cropping operations and pdf outlining.

The main functions are:

  • graphical user interface
  • pdf files are drawn roughly outlined
  • pages can be grouped
  • cropping areas are defined with drag and drop and mouse operations
  • auto sizing of cropping areas to fit text areas
  • setting of fixed ratio between with/height for the areas
  • export to single file or fast saving of current file or all files into one directory


  1. Select "File -> Open", and open one or more pdf files
  2. For every file a new window should appear. In the Grouping text box, you can group pages together. Examples for groupings:
  3. even;odd
    opens two edit controls, one for all even pages, one for all odd pages
  4. 1,2,3;4,5,6
    opens page 1,2,3 in one edit control, 4,5,6 in a second control
  5. 1;other
    opens page 1 in one edit control, all others in a second one
  6. other
    opens one edit control

if there are exceptions, or there just appears a red cross in the window, the pdf file can't be open with pdfebookcutter. if you want to give it try, you can open here a support ticket and upload the pdf file

  1. Select rectangles by left clicking and drawing a rectangle
  2. Hint: Press the shift button while releasing the mouse button, and then the rectangle will thrink or expand so the marked text is in the rect

  3. to change the order, press the control button, and click in the order you want to read the parts on the rectangles

  4. to move a rectangle, or to resize it, you can edit it like in any other graphic program

  5. if you are finished with marking the rects, you can save the file with file -> save
    if you want to export all open files into one directory (e.g. directly on your ebook reader), you can give in the folder into the fast export box, and press on save.