Activity for PdfBooklet

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #32

    Note that on my system (Windows 8.1) the error does not exist. On which system are you running ?

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #32

    This error is just a Warning. OK, you may correct it, thanks for the information. About the first launch being long in Windows, the cause is in the glade library. It scans all installed fonts in Windows, and the check of a font is quite long : 2-3 seconds. If you have more than 100 fonts installed, and this is current today, it will require more than two minutes. we can do nothing about that.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #32

    I'm encountering the same issue. I literally just installed it and tried to launch the program and got this error.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #32

    I'm the guy who just posted 15 mins ago, It works now. I left the CMD looking window open and walked away. when I came back the program had loaded! I did read that it takes 2 minutes for it to load the first time, but when I saw the error I thought the program had failed. I guess that error isn't critical, and more of a warning.

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #25

    No, I had not and I am very interested by your work to make it available. Probably the most simple solution is to send by wetransfer and post the link here. Or would you like to become participant of the project ?

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #25

    Hi, Have you solved the .deb file yet? I have fixed it so that it will work with Python 3 on Linux Mint 21.3. I am super happy to send it to whomever so that it works

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #25

    Hello thanks a lot for the solution. Your post reminded me that I must try to fix this .deb. I think I have a friend who will be able to help.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #25

    I solved the problem on Ubuntu 22.04 in this way: unzip the file.tar.tgz -----> the "pdfbooklet-3.1.2-all_64" folder will be created copy exactly everything found in this folder (in the same directories) in the directory located in: /usr....and subdirectories P.S.: it is only possible with ROOT privileges then, via synaptic from root, install the poppler libraries (0.18) because otherwise the program will not start at the end, from the terminal, type the command: "pdfbooklet"

  • Anonymous created ticket #35

    Create a 0 bytes pdf

  • Ransom Ransom posted a comment on ticket #34

    Hello Averell, thank you very much for your effort in explaining to me in more detail your way using IrfanView. Although I have been using IrfanView for over 25 years, I did not know it was such a powerful tool. Thanks for the hint about the option “multipage images\Extract all images ...”. My document uploaded here was already lossy because of upload problems. If I use my original scan and use IrfanView as you described, there are even big losses. Therefore, the way via IrfanView is out of the question...

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #34

    Parameters used to extract the left pages :

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #34

    Hello, Ransom, I don't think it is lossy, provided the parameters when creating the pdf are correct. Cumbersome, yes, I understand well. Anyway, the only way to obtain good results is to get a Pdf with single pages, and not double pages cropped. Note that Irfanview has a batch mode which is very powerful. I extracted your left pages in 5 minutes. And it would have been the same time for 500 pages. Extract the images (multipage images menu) open one of the files choose Batch conversion/rename Check...

  • Ransom Ransom posted a comment on ticket #34

    Hello Averell, Thank you for taking the trouble to offer a solution to my problem. However, I don’t like this one for two reasons: 1) Is it a lossy way. I use high resolution scans and I want to have their quality in the finished booklet. 2) It is a very cumbersome way. I already came up with a similar way that is less cumbersome and less lossy (but I’m still not happy with it). I can extract all the pages as png from the finished cropped file (which cannot yet be used for PdfBooklet because of the...

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #34

    Hello, you are not using the right way. As you noticed, Acrobat does not really crop a page, but only makes the cropped part invisible. But PdfBooklet always uses the real data, and hence the full image. The reasons of the strange things you see is that in the different processes you use, the the pages come one over the other, or are not visible because they are outside the page, and you are unable to control the process. You re using PdfBooklet for something it was not designed to handle. To make...

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, you are not using the right way. As you noticed, Acrobat does not really crop a page, but only makes the cropped part invisible. But PdfBooklet always uses the real data, and hence the full image. The reasons of the strange things you see is that in the different processes you use, the the pages come one over the other, or are not visible because they are outside the page, and you are unable to control the process. You re using PdfBooklet for something it was not designed to handle. To make...

  • Ransom Ransom modified a comment on discussion Help

    OK, folks, I have made a little progress. I have discovered that I have to scan the DIN A5 booklet landscape from the start, because PdfBooklet “knows” the original page direction and therefore stubbornly applies it. But now I have discovered a new problem: PdfBooklet refuses (also “stubbornly”) to process the right-hand pages of the original DIN A5 booklet. PdfBooklet processes only the left-hand pages (and doubles them) and omits the right-hand pages. I then came up with the idea of scanning the...

  • Ransom Ransom created ticket #34

    PdfBooklet processes only the left pages of a scanned booklet that has been cut apart

  • Ransom Ransom modified a comment on discussion Help

    OK, folks, I have made a little progress. I have discovered that I have to scan the DIN A5 booklet landscape from the start, because PdfBooklet “knows” the original page direction and therefore stubbornly applies it. But now I have discovered a new problem: PdfBooklet refuses (also “stubbornly”) to process the right-hand pages of the original DIN A5 booklet. PdfBooklet processes only the left-hand pages (and doubles them) and omits the right-hand pages. I then came up with the idea of scanning the...

  • Ransom Ransom modified a comment on discussion Help

    OK, folks, I have made a little progress. I have discovered that I have to scan the DIN A5 booklet landscape from the start, because PdfBooklet “knows” the original page direction and therefore stubbornly applies it. But now I have discovered a new problem: PdfBooklet refuses (also “stubbornly”) to process the right-hand pages of the original DIN A5 booklet. PdfBooklet processes only the left-hand pages (and doubles them) and omits the right-hand pages. I then came up with the idea of scanning the...

  • Ransom Ransom modified a comment on discussion Help

    OK, folks, I have made a little progress. I have discovered that I have to scan the DIN A5 booklet landscape from the start, because PdfBooklet “knows” the original page direction and therefore stubbornly applies it. But now I have discovered a new problem: PdfBooklet refuses (also “stubbornly”) to process the right-hand pages of the original DIN A5 booklet. PdfBooklet processes only the left-hand pages (and doubles them) and omits the right-hand pages. I then came up with the idea of scanning the...

  • Ransom Ransom modified a comment on discussion Help

    OK, folks, I have made a little progress. I have discovered that I have to scan the DIN A5 booklet landscape from the start, because PdfBooklet “knows” the original page direction and therefore stubbornly applies it. But now I have discovered a new problem: PdfBooklet refuses (also “stubbornly”) to process the right-hand pages of the original DIN A5 booklet. PdfBooklet processes only the left-hand pages (and doubles them) and omits the right-hand pages. I then came up with the idea of scanning the...

  • Ransom Ransom posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, folks, I have made a little progress. I have discovered that I have to scan the DIN A5 booklet landscape from the start, because PdfBooklet “knows” the original page direction and therefore stubbornly applies it. But now I have discovered a new problem: PdfBooklet refuses (also “stubbornly”) to process the right-hand pages of the original DIN A5 booklet. PdfBooklet processes only the left-hand pages (and doubles them) and omits the right-hand pages. I then came up with the idea of scanning the...

  • Ransom Ransom modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have been using PdfBooklet for years to produce DIN A6 booklets (printed on double-sided DIN A4 pages) and get along with it just fine. So far, I have used LibreOffice documents (converted to PDF) that had a page size of DIN A6 from the outset. This always worked without any problems, I have set up a document especially for me where the corresponding numbering is listed for different page numbers (e.g. for a 16-page booklet: „16,1,14,3;2,15,4,13;12,5,10,7;6,11,8,9“). Now, for the first time,...

  • Ransom Ransom modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have been using PdfBooklet for years to produce DIN A6 booklets (printed on double-sided DIN A4 pages) and get along with it just fine. So far, I have used LibreOffice documents (converted to PDF) that had a page size of DIN A6 from the outset. This always worked without any problems, I have set up a document especially for me where the corresponding numbering is listed for different page numbers (e.g. for a 16-page booklet: „16,1,14,3;2,15,4,13;12,5,10,7;6,11,8,9“). Now, for the first time,...

  • Ransom Ransom posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have been using PdfBooklet for years to produce DIN A6 booklets (printed on double-sided DIN A4 pages) and get along with it just fine. So far, I have used LibreOffice documents (converted to PDF) that had a page size of DIN A6 from the outset. This always worked without any problems, I have set up a document especially for me where the corresponding numbering is listed for different page numbers (e.g. for a 16-page booklet: „16,1,14,3;2,15,4,13;12,5,10,7;6,11,8,9“). Now, for the first time,...

  • bolum-watan bolum-watan posted a comment on ticket #33

    Correction, I use Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS at the moment.

  • bolum-watan bolum-watan created ticket #33

    Outdated version string in Help->About

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #25

    Found this link about how to fix the deb package: The primary command to manipulate deb packages is dpkg-deb. To unpack the package, create an empty directory and switch to it, then run dpkg-deb to extract its control information and the package files. Use dpkg-deb -b to rebuild the package. mkdir tmp dpkg-deb -R original.deb tmp #edit the DEBIAN/postinst file to remove python-gi and python-gi-cairo as...

  • kjodle kjodle posted a comment on ticket #25

    Hello Averell, It's me, Ken. I have managed to create a .deb file that works in Ubuntu 22.04, by updating the control file in the .deb package, and rebuilding it. I'm not sure of the next step. Thanks, -Ken

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #25

    Hello Ken, have a look at in the Github repository. You will find inside the code I was using previously (using alien) to define the dependencies. I was surprised it was so difficult to find a way to build a Debian package. The code is commented because I had problems similar to yours, and I abandoned. If you manage to create an installable package, tell me. You can join this project, if you want.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #25

    I am a different person than the anonymous user above. I have both python3-gi and python3-gi-cairo, and can confirm that PdfBooklet does not work in Ubuntu 22.04 either. Running dpkg -I pdfbooklet_3.1.2-2_all.deb shows that python-gi and python-gi-cairo (which are not available in Ubuntu 21.10 or Ubuntu 22.04) are still dependencies of the current .deb file: Depends: python (>= 2.7), python-gi, python-gi-cairo, python3-gi, python3-gi-cairo, python3-cairo, gir1.2-gtk-3.0, gir1.2-poppler-0.18 If those...

  • Averell Averell modified a comment on ticket #25

    Hello, I understand... but as I said somewhere, we are developing in Windows, and we have not found someone to help us for the Linux version. This is regrettable because PdfBooklet should work in Linux, but this require a person to maintain the LInux version. Nevertheless, the problem is simple : the packets have changed name, they are now : python3-gi python3-gi-cairo I wonder if it is possible to install them with an alias, so that the deb file will not complain ? But I should be able to update...

  • Averell Averell modified a comment on ticket #25

    Hello, I understand... but as I said somewhere, we are developing in Windows, and we have not found someone to help us for the Linux version. This is regrettable because PdfBooklet should work in Linux, but this require a person to maintain the LInux version. Nevertheless, the problem is simple : the packets have changed name, they are now : python3-gi python3-gi-cairo I wonder if it is possible to install them with an alias, so that the deb file will not complain ?

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #25

    Hello, I understand... but as I said somewhere, we are developing in Windows, and we have not found someone to help us for the Linux version. This is regrettable because PdfBooklet should work in Linux, but this require a person to maintain the LInux version. If some day I find a solution, I will clearly try to maintain a Linux version, but presently I cannot help you. Sorry.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #24

    Hi I am trying to install pdfbooklet on Ubuntu21. I get the following messages. (base) fahim@fahim-Inspiron-3583:~$ sudo apt install python3-gi python3-gi-cairo gir1.2-gtk-3.0 gir1.2-poppler-0.18 [sudo] password for fahim: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done gir1.2-gtk-3.0 is already the newest version (3.24.30-1ubuntu1). gir1.2-poppler-0.18 is already the newest version (21.06.1-1). python3-gi is already the newest version (3.40.1-1build1)....

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #25

    P.S. I also tried this.. (base) fahim@fahim:~$ chmod +x ./pdfbooklet_3.1.2-2_all.deb chmod: cannot access './pdfbooklet_3.1.2-2_all.deb': No such file or directory (base) fahim@fahim:~$ chmod +x ~/Download/pdfbooklet_3.1.2-2_all.deb chmod: cannot access '/home/fahim/Download/pdfbooklet_3.1.2-2_all.deb': No such file or directory (base) fahim@fahim:~$ chmod +x ~/Downloads/pdfbooklet_3.1.2-2_all.deb (base) fahim@fahim-Inspiron-3583:~$ cd Downloads (base) fahim@fahim-Inspiron-3583:~/Downloads$ ./pdfbooklet_3.1.2-2_all.deb...

  • Anonymous created ticket #25

    pdfbooklet on Ubuntu21.1

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #24

    Which version are you using ? It is not critical, but it should be good to fix it.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #24

    Hi, I keep getting this mesage: (pdfbooklet.exe:14028): Gtk-WARNING **: Could not load image 'Pdf-Booklet 64.ico': Failed to open file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PdfBooklet\data\Pdf-Booklet 64.ico': No such file or directory

  • Trebly Trebly posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I try to summarize a part of the problem: Which are the suitable parameters to use with pdfBooklet to generate: - a pdf document containing two pages split from a A3 portrait (scaled 141% from an A4) into two pages A4 landscape (I have not found). Note that currently ARdc is unable to print a A3 portrait document on 2 separate A4 landscape. His functions lead to display the document on four A4 pages portrait or landscape (594x420 or 420x594) with large margins, but not (420 x 297) because 2 A4...

  • Trebly Trebly posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I fail in trying to convert an A4 portrait document (joined 1) to an A3 made of two landscape A4 pages printable document. With the conversion of the size (141%) and translations displayed on an A3 portrait made of two pages, I get the file joined 2. The file is displayed by ARdc as two A3 portrait pages. The first is the waited. The print function (see joined) shows two pages A4 landscape for a document size A3 portrait. Everything seems OK except, 2 pages displayed for the viewer and a confusion...

  • Trebly Trebly created ticket #32

    Error on missing "\Pdf-Booklet 64.ico" !

  • andrea andrea posted a comment on ticket #31

    Thank you, I had your answers sent to the spam. Sorry

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #31

    I think I was wrong about what you wanted to do and the solution above does not work. I reproduced the bug, adding one blank page. If I add two, there is no problem. I will investigate

  • Averell Averell modified a comment on ticket #31

    Hello Andrea, I will investigate because the bug is interesting. Nevertheless, for such a work, one way is to break it in two steps : Step 1) Create your document, joining your pages Step 2) Open in PdfBooklet the document created at step 1, and add your blank page(s). See the two files attached. Is that what you wanted ?

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #31

    Hello Andrea, I will investigate because the bug is interesting. Nevertheless, for such a work, the simplest way is to break it in two steps : Step 1) Create your document, joining your pages Step 2) Open in PdfBooklet the document created at step 1, and add your blank page(s). See the two files attached. Is that what you wanted ?

  • andrea andrea created ticket #31

    kind of overlapping/double pages when adding leading blank page

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #30

    Short answer to be improved : The feature is not included but would be interesting, and not difficult to add. Presently, I think it is possible using a batch and the command line mode, but this is not documented. I will have a look at it.

  • Java Developer Java Developer created ticket #30

    Unable to convert multiple pdf files to multiple booklets

  • PdfBooklet PdfBooklet released /pdfbooklet 3.1.5/PdfBooklet 3.1.5 Setup.exe

  • PdfBooklet PdfBooklet released /pdfbooklet 3.1.5/readme.txt

  • Gaston LITTLEFISHKNIFE Gaston LITTLEFISHKNIFE posted a comment on ticket #29

    Hello, This problem has just been fixed into revision 3.1.5 of the installer program. However PdfBooklet functionnalities stays exactly the same than revision 3.1.4.

  • PdfBooklet PdfBooklet released /pdfbooklet 3.1.4/PdfBookShuffler 3.1.5 Setup.exe

  • PdfBooklet PdfBooklet updated /pdfbooklet 3.1.4/readme.txt

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #29

    Thank you for the information. I don't have Windows 10 and didn't notice this question. We will try to fix it.

  • Anonymous created ticket #29

    Installer fails on Win10 - no permissions (v3.1.4)

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #24

    This is a know little problem in Windows. For an unknown reason, the first time you launch PdfBooklet, a library (glade) will scan all your installed fonts, and process generally take two minutes or more. Just wait as long as needed and the program will start, you can do something else during this delay. The next times this will not happen. From time to time it may happen again.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #24

    Dear, thank you. I have done as you said, and the install went on smoothly; but the problem now is that when I click on the pdf shortcut to open the program, it rather opens up a bland cmd for me to type on.

  • Gaston LITTLEFISHKNIFE Gaston LITTLEFISHKNIFE posted a comment on ticket #24

    Hello, I am sorry for this trouble. The problem is that since Windows 8, then Windows 10, Microsoft has introduced new constraints, particularly in writting rights into Windows and Programs directories. The most simple for you to work around this "Access denied" problem is to install PdfPooklet into defaultly proposed directory C:\Util\PdfBooklet. Hoping this will help. Regards

  • Anonymous created ticket #24

    Problem installing PdfBookShuffler

  • asbruff asbruff posted a comment on ticket #23

    Good news then.. Eheh. Please, contact me through my website, so I don't have to write my mail publicly. WordPress has become my favorite platform and it's what I would also suggest for this project. I also have to warn you that I'm going to work on the project in my spare time, so don't expect everything online in a short time. I'll wait for your contact. Il sab 24 ott 2020, 18:16 Averell ha scritto: I installed Wordpress. to create an account...

  • Averell Averell modified a comment on ticket #23

    I installed Wordpress. to create an account for you, I will need a mail address. We have to find a way to communicate on that point. Presently the wordpress site is at : But you cannot do anything, until you have an account.

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #23

    I installed Wordpress. to create an account for you, I will need a mail address. We have to find a way to communicate on that point.

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #23

    Hello, this is a super idea. What I suggest for 2020 is a Wordpress site, because it makes updates so easy. Do you know this CMS ? Are you able to install it, if I give you admin rights ? If you don't know WordPress, you can learn it in a few hours, it is fairly simple, and personalisation with cms or php is possible. Also : if you can test the Linux versions of PdfBooklet, it will be a real improvment. Thanks for any collaboration you can offer.

  • asbruff asbruff created ticket #23

    New site

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #22

    I guess the message is not accurate. It means really that the program cannot write the file. The most common reason is what the program says ("Adobe Reader" is not a good way of sayning things : open in any program will have the same result). Be sure you write the file in a place where you have write permissions. You can change the destination in the Options / Output tab.

  • Ramiro Brandan Ramiro Brandan created ticket #22

    File alredy open

  • Ramiro Brandan Ramiro Brandan posted a comment on discussion Help

    "The output file is aleady opened proably in adobe reader. Close the file and start again" Hello friends, i have this message from he program every time that I try to go with an archive. Thoug I don't have the adobe reader installed on my PC, and I checked the opened programs with task administrator (Ctrl-Alt-Supr), I don't know why he pogam say that. I restart my computer a few times and try again, but nohing change. Thanks for your work, goodby!

  • s-r-grass s-r-grass created ticket #21

    Thanks for the program!

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #28

    There would be a lot of possible improvements to the PdfBooklet interface : rulers, as you say, guide lines, work with the mouse... Unfortunately I have less and less time to work on it and I have not yet found a collaborator for the project. Presently I fix bugs when reported, not much more. I am sad about that, but that's life.

  • Averell Averell modified ticket #20

    Make Messagebox supressable during Setup

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #28

    hello, I hope to add a ruler to the pdf booklet to make setup easier, thank you very much

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #28

    Yes, I see the problem. I don't know if we will be able to fix it because it come from the library we are using. We will try our best. Thanks for the information

  • Anonymous created ticket #28

    1 page 'dropped' when creating booklet

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #20

    Hi Gaston, Your chanes did the trick! Silent Setup is now running smoothly. In case of interest, we run the following command for silent setup: PdfBookShuffler 3.1.4 Setup.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /LOADINF=default.cfg With default.cfg having the content [Setup] Lang=english Dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\PdfBookShuffler Group=PdfBookShuffler 3.1.4 NoIcons=0 Tasks= Best regards, Markus

  • Gaston LITTLEFISHKNIFE Gaston LITTLEFISHKNIFE posted a comment on ticket #20

    Hello Markus, That's it, PdfBooklet revision 3.1.4 is now available with an installer that may be used in silent mode. I would apreciate your feedback about this new revision to let me know if it answer your request. Regards Gaston

  • PdfBooklet PdfBooklet released /pdfbooklet 3.1.4/PdfBookShuffler 3.1.4 Setup.exe

  • PdfBooklet PdfBooklet released /pdfbooklet 3.1.4/

  • PdfBooklet PdfBooklet released /pdfbooklet 3.1.4/readme.txt

  • Gaston LITTLEFISHKNIFE Gaston LITTLEFISHKNIFE posted a comment on ticket #20

    Hello Markus, I will release very soon the new Inno Setup installer for PdfBooklet with full compatibilty with the silent mode installation you have requested. Regards Gaston

  • Anonymous created ticket #20

    Make Messagebox supressable during Setup

  • Averell Averell modified ticket #19

    alternating odd-even pages binding margin

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #19

    Hello, this is already present in pdfBooklet, either for booklets or for the "one page" mode. In the first case, just set margins differently for left or right pages In the second case, one page mode, select firs "odd pages" and set your margin, and select "even pages" and set you margin.

  • Anonymous created ticket #19

    alternating odd-even pages binding margin

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #18

    Hello dear Averell ! Sorry for my late reply ! Thank you for your kindness and your answer, Finally I solved the problem, I'll explain : When I create a page from Gimp exporting to pdf then using Pdfbooklet there's 1 pixel line between the pages (please see picture 1) when I export from Gimp to jpg then import jpg in Adobe Illustrator to create a pdf then use pdfbooklet there's no problem (please see picture 2). I don't know where this come from but I think that's a default in Gimp when exporting...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #18

    sorry I forget the second picture

  • Anonymous created ticket #27

    Missing pages

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #18

    Hello, I am not sure of what you mean. There is a blue dotted line on screen, which was requested by a user. This feature is not very well implemented but does no harm because it is only on screen. If you have a white line in the Pdf, this is not intentional in the program. Could you upload an example of the source file and the result. I tried with a full color page, and I do not get a middle line.

  • Anonymous created ticket #18

    White folding line

  • Lorenzo Lorenzo posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi there, I've found that PdfBooklet installation fails if Pdf-Shuffler is already installed on the system. I tried installing pdfbooklet_3.0.6_all.deb with GDebi package installer but the process returned the following messages: ... dpkg: error processing archive pdfbooklet_3.0.6_all.deb (--install): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/', which is also in package pdfshuffler 0.6.0-8 dpkg-deb (subprocess): decompressing archive member: lzma write error: Broken pipe...

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #26

    Clever. If you place your portrait.pdf before your file (as the first file), you don't have to change the reference page.

  • peterthevicar peterthevicar posted a comment on ticket #26

    An easier work-around for landscape booklets is therefore to add a single-page portrait pdf (attached), set this to the reference page, then remove it from the page list (Pages/Edit pages list).

  • peterthevicar peterthevicar posted a comment on ticket #26

    You guessed correctly, sorry I hadn't logged in. Thanks for the info, very interesting and helpful.

  • Averell Averell modified a comment on ticket #26

    "Adding a portrait page doesn't help (also attached)" Yes it helps, and solves the problem if you set the reference page to this page. With your example, in options, set the reference page to 4 and you will get what you want. Nevertheless, what you say is interesting, because it shows a flaw in the conception : reference page and output page should be better connected. I guess you are peterthevicar, because you posted as Anonymous.

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #26

    "Adding a portrait page doesn't help (also attached)" Yes it helps, and solves the problem if you set the reference page to this page. With your example, in options, set the reference page to 4 and you will get what you want. Nevertheless, what you say is interesting, because it shows a flaw in the conception : reference page and output page should be better connected.

  • Anonymous created ticket #26

    Rotation of landscape pages in all-landscape document

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #25

    Double click is not easy for a file chooser widget. There is a signal "file activated" but it is unusable, because it will fire even if a second click arrives one minute after the first. And I don't know how to get list widget. I will ask this to my collaborator, Chris.

  • peterthevicar peterthevicar posted a comment on ticket #25

    Hi, Sorry didn't spot you had done this already! This has implemented going to the most recently used directory; not yet double click to open but that may be really hard. Thank you! On Sun, 7 Jul 2019 at 17:05, Averell wrote: It was a bug fix more than a feature, because the feature was already integrated. Works in Windows. Probably some defects remain. Untested in Linux. Note that recently used directories are different for files and for projects. File attached. Attachments:...

  • peterthevicar peterthevicar posted a comment on ticket #24

    That fixed it for me, well done indeed!

  • Averell Averell posted a comment on ticket #25

    It was a bug fix more than a feature, because the feature was already integrated. Works in Windows. Probably some defects remain. Untested in Linux. Note that recently used directories are different for files and for projects. File attached.

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