
#235 gemwin: cant render on remote monitor


usually i was using xforwarding to display patch on my laptop, but running pd and gem rendering on big machine.
i used [create :0( for this.
looks like [gemglxwindow]
does not take name of the screen..

"[gemglxwindow]: unable to switch to current window (do you have one?), cannot render!"

yes, i have one.


  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    hmm, cannot reproduce in the following simplistic setup:

     $ xhost +
     $ ssh -X localhost
     localhost$ pd -lib Gem
           -> [create :0.0, 1( -> [gemglxwindow]

    i will try with a real remote host next week.

    • Antoine Villeret

      I confirmed this bug here between 2 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit.


      Last edit: IOhannes m zmölnig 2014-09-18
  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    ok, i tried with the following setup:

    • client: nVidia Geforce 7800 GTX (with nouveau drivers)
    • server: Intel HD 4000 (with i915 driver)

    i then run the following:

    client$ ssh -X server
    server$ cd .../Gem
    server$ pd -path abstractions:.
       -> [create :0( -> [gemglxwindow]

    this opens a window on the server, and (most of the times) immediately crashes with the following writte to the console:

    libGL error: failed to authenticate magic 49
    libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau
    GLEW version 1.10.0
    error: Xwin: GLXBadContext
    error: Xwin: GLXBadContext
    error: Xwin: 0
    error: Xwin: GLXBadContext
    [xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue
    [xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and XInitThreads has not been called
    [xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.
    pd: ../../src/xcb_io.c:274: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed.
    Pd: signal 6

    i get the same crash with [gemwin].

    all works fine when using Gem-0.93, so it's indeed a regression,

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    forgot to add that running e.g. glxgears with X-forwarding (thus displayed on the client) also gives similar errors:

    $ glxgears
    libGL error: failed to authenticate magic 55
    libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau
    $ DISPLAY=:0 glxgears
    Running synchronized to the vertical refresh.  The framerate should be
    approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
    • kubriel

      kubriel - 2014-09-19

      im running glxgears this way without any errors
      with command trough ssh 'DISPLAY=:0 glxgears'
      client: Quadro NVS 320M
      server: GeForce GTX 660 Ti
      booth of them is update arch linux with propietary nvidia drivers

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    and sometimes i can create a window on the server but nothing is rendered to it, and i get the following error for each frame:

     Xwin: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
     Xwin: GLXBadContext
     Xwin: 0
  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    the libGL error gave me the idea, that this problem might be related to context-sharing:

    • Gem creates a local shareable context (producing the libGL errors)
    • and then tries to share this with the remote context (producing the rendering problems)

    possible solution: do not try to create/use a shareable context when the display is set.

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    do you still have this error with a recent version of Gem (post [83419d] / 19.09.2014)



    Commit: [83419d]

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    • labels: gemglxwindow --> gemglxwindow, remote
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
    • assigned_to: IOhannes m zmölnig
    • Release: unknown --> 0.94
  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    setting this to "pending" as i'm sure this is not fully fixed yet

    context-sharing has been disabled to prevent crashes on intel cards while it seems to work fine with nouveau.


    Last edit: IOhannes m zmölnig 2014-09-23


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