
#162 gem help crashes Pd for any pix_* opened a second time


By clicking on any pix_ help file a second time, after closing the one opened the first time, Pd will crash.

To reproduce:

click on a pix_ help in the help browser
close it
now open it again

I can try to debug this later.

This happens for the latest gem from git using pd-extended svn.


  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-10-29

    Note that this happens when you lick on the "x" of the window manager, closing the help patch, then open another patch. It seems that if you create+destroy a Gem window in the help patch prior to clicking 'x' and opening a new one, then the crash does not happen.

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    unable to repoduce (though i'm using pd-vanilla 0.43.0)

    i can open any pix-help files multiple times with rendering turned on or off and closing the help-patches by closing the window via [X]

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    • status: open --> open-works-for-me
  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    btw, when you close the patch while rendering is turned on, you should get a "GEM: stopped rendering"

    (this will only work if the closed patch contains the last [gemwin] instance)

  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-10-31

    stll happens. I am using 64bit linux.

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    please provide a minimal patch that triggers the problem.
    please provide step-by-step instructions how to reproduce the bug.
    please provide all the output you get both on stderr/stdout and the pd-console (in relation to user-interaction)

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    • labels: Pixes (pix_ objects) --> Pixes (pix_ objects), crash
    • OS: --> linux
    • Release: linux --> 0.93
  • Cyrille Henry

    Cyrille Henry - 2014-08-28

    works for me



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