
#149 pix_film crash


pix_film systematically crashes Pd when I open the attached video (and a few similar ones)

This happens after upgrading Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 10.10 and installing the Pd Extended 0.42.5 package for ubuntu 10.10.

Thid didn\'t happen with the package for Ubuntu 10.04 on Ubuntu 10.04, though it seems to be the same version of GEM (0.92.3).

These are MOV files encoded with jpeg.

Oh sh*** I can't attach the file because it's bigger than 256k

I'll upload it somewhere else and post a link
EM: Graphics Environment for Multimedia
GEM: ver: 0.92.3
GEM: compiled: Sep 22 2010
GEM: maintained by IOhannes m zmoelnig
GEM: Authors : Mark Danks (original version)
GEM: Chris Clepper
GEM: Cyrille Henry
GEM: IOhannes m zmoelnig
GEM: with help by Guenter Geiger, Daniel Heckenberg, James Tittle, Hans-Christop Steiner, et al.
GEM: found a bug? miss a feature? please report it:
GEM: homepage
GEM: bug-tracker
GEM: mailing-list
GEM: compiled for SIMD architecture: MMX
GEM: using MMX optimization


  • sistisette

    sistisette - 2011-06-14
  • sistisette

    sistisette - 2011-06-14
    • priority: 5 --> 9
  • sistisette

    sistisette - 2011-06-14

    I've converted the same file to AVI encoded with ffmpeg's "mjpeg" codec and it still crashes. However I can open some other avi files that are encoded with the same mjpeg codec.

    What can these files have that is preserved even transcoding them to another format and codec??

  • sistisette

    sistisette - 2011-06-14

    well, not sure the ones that work are encoded with _the same_ mjpeg codec, I can only tell they are encoded with mjpeg. Nautilus says "Motion JPEG" in both cases.

  • sistisette

    sistisette - 2011-06-14

    even after transcoding the file to other codecs, still crashes.

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    can "lqtplay" play these videos
    i have the feeling this is the re-current problem with a broken libquicktime shipped with debian/ubuntu

  • sistisette

    sistisette - 2011-06-14

    Wow, indeed lqtplay can't play them.

    Thank so much. Do you know how I can get back the working libquicktime? Or can I have gem use another backend?

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    • status: open --> pending-works-for-me
  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    hmm well, actually i don't really know which version of libquicktime is broken (and which is not), only that _some_ versions are (and unfortunately some of those are shipped with ubuntu)
    so you ought to find out which libquicktime is working and then install that via apt :-(

    maybe there is a "backport" from a more recent version of libquicktime to your distro, but i don't know (and looking at, it seems that maverick and natty provide virtually the same version of libquicktime)

    btw, you could update your bugreport at

    as for using other backends: with gem-0.92 there is no way to permanently disable a certain backend (starting with 0.93 you can just uninstall the defending backend(s))

  • sistisette

    sistisette - 2011-06-14

    Thanks for your help. Unfortunately the latest version of libquicktime from CVS is equally broken :(

  • sistisette

    sistisette - 2011-06-14
    • status: pending-works-for-me --> open-works-for-me
  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    which CVS are you referring to? libquicktime's?

    here (debian wheezy/sid), i can play your file fine with both lqtplay and Gem (though i have also libgmerlin-avdec backend)

  • sistisette

    sistisette - 2011-06-14

    yes, libquicktime's CVS, but I'm afraid it hasn't installed correctly (though I got no error from configure, make and sudo make install).

    Now when I run lqtplay, I get the message:
    lqtplay: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    So I guess libquicktime hasn't installed correctly and maybe Gem is still using the version that was already installed.

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    • priority: 9 --> 5
    • status: open-works-for-me --> pending-works-for-me
  • sistisette

    sistisette - 2011-06-27
    • status: pending-works-for-me --> open-works-for-me
  • sistisette

    sistisette - 2011-06-27

    Ok I recompiled Gem so it uses the new libquicktime and it doesn't crash any more with these files.

    Now it crashes with PNG videos (and lqtplay doesn't) but I'll file a separate report for that

  • sistisette

    sistisette - 2011-06-27

    Sorry it does not crash with PNG but with Apple Animation codec

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    • status: open-works-for-me --> closed-works-for-me
  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    given that we now have a separate bug-report for the AppleAnimation crash, i close this report.

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    • labels: Pixes (pix_ objects) --> Pixes (pix_ objects), pix_film, crash, jpeg
    • assigned_to: IOhannes m zmölnig
    • OS: --> linux
    • Release: linux --> 0.92.3


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