

Kor de Jong Oliver Schmitz

Preparing a release

  1. [ ] Make sure every dev's edits are committed.
  2. [ ] Make sure runs OK.
    1. [ ] Windows, 32 bits.
    2. [ ] Windows, 64 bits.
    3. [ ] Linux LSB, 64 bits.
  3. [ ] Update versions in the CMake files of each project that received changes since the previous release. In case nothing changed since the last release, the version should be same! Make sure to check the projects a project depends on! Changing a child-project may imply a change in the parent project.
  4. [ ] Make sure everything builds OK.
    1. [ ] Debug
      1. [ ] Windows, 32 bits.
      2. [ ] Windows, 64 bits.
    2. [ ] Release
      1. [ ] Windows, 32 bits.
      2. [ ] Windows, 64 bits.
    3. [ ] Linux LSB, 64 bits.
  5. [ ] Create packages for all platforms. Make sure PCR_RELEASE_BUILD is set to yes, true, or 1.
    1. [ ] Windows, 32 bits.
    2. [ ] Windows, 64 bits.
    3. [ ] Linux LSB, 64 bits.
  6. [ ] Tag each project that received changes since the previous release with a project-specific version. In case the version in a project's CMake file changed, than the project needs to be tagged. Otherwise it should not.
  7. [ ] Tag each project with a PCRaster version.
  8. [ ] Upload packages to Sourceforge.
    1. [ ] Set current version as 'Default download for'
  9. [ ] Update website for new version.
    1. [ ] Move download - current relase to a new page for that version.
    2. [ ] Update current release page
    3. [ ] Update previous releases page
    4. [ ] Update documentation page
    5. [ ] Upload new documentation on
    6. [ ] Update version number/download links on the quick start page
  10. [ ] Announce new version on mailinglist.
  11. [ ] When releasing a feature release (x.y instead of x.y.z):
    1. [ ] Create a new pcraster-<version> script containing the versions of all projects.
    2. [ ] Create release branches.
  12. [ ] Make sure all changes introduced in release branches which need to be part of future releases are merged in the master branches.


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