
An impressive emulator

  • Marcos Cruz

    Marcos Cruz - 2016-12-09

    I discovered PC-BASIC some weeks ago, and I think it's an impressive emulator. I run it on Rasbian in a Raspberry Pi 2 and It works great. Given its integration with the host system, it makes some retro-programming projects easier to develop than using the actual GW-BASIC interpreter on DOSBox, for example; and the result is easier to run on different platforms.

    Thank you for this superb work.

  • Rob Hagemans

    Rob Hagemans - 2016-12-09

    Thanks! Great to hear that.

  • Rob Hagemans

    Rob Hagemans - 2016-12-09

    By the way, if you have any PC-BASIC based retroprogramming projects available online, be sure to share links! I've created the 'BASIC programs' forum for that sort of thing.

    (...and also consider leaving a 5-star review if you feel like it, I think a high star average helps push the project up in the search results on Sourceforge ;)