
SourceForge download error

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  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-02-06

    Tried downloading latest version (.03) from SourceForge. The version there is 12.x Mb, not 14, and generates an error on install. Downloaded from here and all is well.

  • Rob Hagemans

    Rob Hagemans - 2016-02-07

    Thanks for reporting, I will investigate.

    As this forum is also hosted on sourceforge, could you just clarify what you mean by "from here"? / github or is there another sourceforge location that offers PC-BASIC?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-02-08

    Tried downloading three times this afternoon on sourceforge and get an error on install. Will it not install on a 64 bit machine?

  • Rob Hagemans

    Rob Hagemans - 2016-02-08

    What is the error message you get? What operating system are you using?

    I have successfully installed PC-BASIC on 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 10 and Ubuntu before. However, as per the message above, others are currently having issues with the sourceforge download. At the moment I can't check what the issue is since I'm currently on a very slow download link. Can you try to download from and see if you have the same issues with that package?

  • Rob Hagemans

    Rob Hagemans - 2016-02-09

    Hi all, the Windows download on SourceForge had been corrupted. I have pulled it down and replaced it with the correct version. I don't know what happened since it used to be the correct version. I'll have to check with SourceForge if they know of any similar problems.

    Meanwhile, please check your download's md5 or sha256 fingerprint against the offical ones published on the GitHub release page. If you get a download whose fingerprint does not match, please let me know.

    Thanks to those who reported this issue to me.


    • Rob Hagemans

      Rob Hagemans - 2016-02-15

      Just to let you know, I have checked this with SourceForge, they have researched the issue and found that the transmission was interrupted the last time I uploaded the file, which explains the smaller file size and incorrect hashes.

      No indications of any kind of funny business, I'm relieved to report. If you have downloaded a faulty version, please just delete it and download again - it should all be OK now.

      Note that if you want to check your download, I publish the official MD5 and SHA256 hashes on GitHub at .

      Thanks again for your vigilance and if you find any issues with the download in future, please report to me (as you did this time).


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-03-06

    It's Ronald Herrera, hello guys. I 'm having problems even login on to the page. But my main concern is that even at I can download an installation copy of 15.08.4, but there are problems with the PCBASIC.INI which have invalid FF/CR or something similar. Anyhow, I can't get a configuration file appropriate for the mentioned version.

    Windows 7 (64) actually accepts the app, but the configuration file system (PCBASIC.INI) is a mess. If anyone need any other info., or if I haven't try something else, I'll appreciate it.

    Ronald Herrera

    • Rob Hagemans

      Rob Hagemans - 2016-03-06

      Hi Ronald, if you just delete (or rename) the INI file it should generate a new one for you. Not sure what went wrong there? Can you post the faulty INI file here?

      • Rob Hagemans

        Rob Hagemans - 2016-03-06

        If that doesn't work, can you open it correctly in Wordpad rather than Notepad?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-03-07

    Well I still can login, but I'll post the Attachment ... It look like that it was been prepared for Linux (gedit) instead of notepad. But even placing some configurations at beginning or at the end of the file, it won't accepted. But direct command line options can do some use, but not --config=any.ini or --monuntC:C:\whatever....

    Have fun,

    • Rob Hagemans

      Rob Hagemans - 2016-03-07

      Yes, that file has LF line endings. Seems like the python module I'm using doesn't produce them with CRLF which is what Notepad understands. I'll see if I can fix that.

      Meanwhile, Wordpad can open this file without any problems so you can use that to edit it, or really any text editor that isn't Notepad. Or you can use Wordpad once to save it as a 'DOS text file' if you prefer to keep using Notepad.

      What do you mean when you say it 'won't be accepted'? You do have to place the options inside the [pcbasic] section, otherwise it won't work.


  • Ronald Herrera

    Ronald Herrera - 2016-03-07

    Okay, I mean something like this: pcbasic --mount=C:C:\USERS\ALEKOR\MYDOS\DOSTEST\BASIC
    I have observed that the path is correct, but PCBASIC in the command line option seems to crash (that's the word). But when use another Config File like: INI.ini it won't work when presented like this:
    pcbasic --config=C:\Users\Alekor\AppData\Roaming\PCBASIC\ini.ini

    The only way that I can manage to work is, if in the PCBASIC icon, I right click it and in Properties I change the second line labeled "Start in:" and include the working BASIC files program path.

    Then, I can use:--run=\PRIVADO\CHDIR.BAS (which works after the Properties modifications)

    Bottom line is that --mount= and --config= options I can't work them like the pass version of PCBASIC.

    I haven't try your suggestion with Wordpad to modify the PCBASIC.INI config file. Let see if in this problems can be solved. :-) Thank You! Any changes I'll let you know.


  • Ronald Herrera

    Ronald Herrera - 2016-03-07

    I'm sorry to say, that I'm afraid that didn't work. I open correctly the cocnfig file PCBASIC and include the frequently used mount and other config like this:


    ...and PCBASIC crash. You want to hear what I think? I think the configuration instalation belongs to Linux instead of Windows. But, hey!, I'm guessing here. Anyway, good luck for both of us and let me know how to work with your solution. Thank You!


    • Rob Hagemans

      Rob Hagemans - 2016-03-07

      Strange. Do you get any message with the crash if you try it on the command line?

      The config file is the same for Linux and Windows, it's generated automatically on startup if it doesn't exist yet; that really isn't the issue.

  • Ronald Herrera

    Ronald Herrera - 2016-03-07

    I'm sorry; there are NO messages or indication of what's happening. I have the work-around way but I'm losing other configurations that I'll like to add (and I don't know how long the Command Line Option can hold). I have uninstalled and installed, and I have opened with Wordpad the PCBASIC.INI and I have installed some of the options that I already mentioned, but it still crash without a word.

    The working-around way is seldom working because I have used a program (L-SCAPES) and stopped because was Out of Memory (let me post you the program in Attachment). So, this program generates graphics in SCREEN 6 that I can access the saving image with (BLOAD). But it crash with an error saying that it was out of memory. But this is another issue.

    My concern is that I don't have a normal working copy of PCBASIC. If you need any other information, let me know, I'll post what I have.


    • Rob Hagemans

      Rob Hagemans - 2016-03-07

      You can always revert to the previous version which can still be downloaded from the files section or from GitHub. That still works as it did before, it hasn't changed. I'll try and find out what the problem is with that crash (though I don't seem to have much to go on).

      With the current setup, if you use the logfile=log.txt option, do any messages appear in the log file?

  • Ronald Herrera

    Ronald Herrera - 2016-03-07

    Log.txt says: ERROR: Path not found. But what path is refering to? Because in mount config is:
    (the only thing is that everything is in CAPS, but there's no white space and I have tryied to use "" for the system the path is:

    The config PCBASIC.INI is in:

    And my copy of PCBASIC is in:

    What else I can think off. :-)

    • Rob Hagemans

      Rob Hagemans - 2016-03-07

      Path not found usually refers to a run or load argument, so presumably it can't find run=\PRIVADO\CHDIR.BAS. What happens if you don't provide any run or load arguments (neither in teh ini file nor on the command line) but instead load the file from BASIC itself with LOAD "\PRIVADO\CHDIR.BAS" ?

  • Ronald Herrera

    Ronald Herrera - 2016-03-07

    It doesn't accept the mount config (but anythin else it does.)
    These configurations are from the last version of the config file. And none have gave any problems. Fo example: run=\PRIVADO\CHDIR.BAS works fine in the Command Option Line once I have changed the directory in the Properties. But a normal directory is the one that contains pcbasic.exe.
    Another fact, the PCBASIC.INI contains:






    Wow, that's big. It wasn't on purpose... anyhow, the problem seems to be the mount configuration before the big letters.

    What else you may think off.

  • Ronald Herrera

    Ronald Herrera - 2016-03-07

    You were right, because the 'mount=' option isn't working (for me) the 'run=' option won't have any effect. Can you mount something in the actual version? That will let us know if is my copy or is something general. /Ron.

    • Rob Hagemans

      Rob Hagemans - 2016-03-07

      Can you please try the mount without any run argument, and then FILES "c:" and FILES "Z:" and LOAD "\PRIVADO\CHDIR.BAS" from BASIC and post the results here? Then I can see more about what's going on.


  • Ronald Herrera

    Ronald Herrera - 2016-03-07

    Never mind, it's not a general problem. The problem was that the PCBASIC config contains the option current-device=Z and should be in C not Z. Because of this the mount option didn't work. For next advisement the current-device=C option can be change to C. Than you!

    Ronald Herrera
    P.D. The attachment: L-SCAPES.BAS should be evaluated with GWBASIC and this version of PCBASIC. There's a diffrence.

    • Rob Hagemans

      Rob Hagemans - 2016-03-07

      Thanks, that's a cute program by the way. The Out of String Space is fixed by a bugfix that will be included in the next version (coming soon). Did you note any other differences?

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2016-03-08

        No, I haven't. In PCBASIC 03 the problem was that it couldn't save in Screen 6 (which is fix nowin the new version). But as you notice an "Out of memory" crash the program without finishing any scapes. I'm glad to see this fix and working for then next version. There's is another program that comes with it to display the saved images of the main program. An it works fine in this new version of PCBASIC. But don't worry I will notify any diffrences between any porgram that I have with the new (and fixed) version. :-) Thank You,

  • Ronald Herrera

    Ronald Herrera - 2016-03-07

    Posted as Attachment.

    I only did the followings:

    Note: the Log file contains also the options that I modified only.

    Ronald Herrera

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