
Cannot view TEXT version of .bas program?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-07-16

    Sunday July 16 2017, 9:29 AM

    I'm VERY happy that GW-Basic has been resurrected from the grave! Wow, neat! I learned this way back in 1986 and used it for everything. Then I stepped up to Borland Turbo-Basic and created compiled software for sale. I kinda doubt PC-Basic will run Turbo-Basic files?

    The problem I'm having with PC-Basic is I cannot SEE a .txt version of the.bas file stored on my Win 10 64-bit PC. I've tried saving using the "MYPROG",A format but it doesn't work.I found WHERE the .bas programs are stored, way way down a LONG path in Win 10. I find the .bas programs there but, if I try to open them, its all in what looks like machine language code. BUT, when I LIST a prog using PC-Basic I can SEE it fine. How do I SEE a .txt version of the .bas program stored as a file?

    Another problem is how do I add a .txt data file, way way down where the programs are, and read in the data file into a program w/o having to use the "mile long" path? Reading a data file and also writing to one seems to be a problem?

    Thank you!


  • Rob Hagemans

    Rob Hagemans - 2017-07-18

    Hi Linda, you say SAVE "MYPROG",A does not work - can you describe what happens instead if you use this statement?

    What you describe in your message is what would normally happen if you do SAVE "MYPROG" (without the ,A) .
    I'm wondering if you could try again undeer another name, try e.g. SAVE "TEXTPROG.TXT",A ?
    If you don't specify an extension, it will use .BAS and if you don't use ,A it will save in tokenised form (which looks like a bunch of random symbols).

    As to file locations, please hae a look at the documentation at . There you can find how to access other locations.

    PC-BASIC will not run Turbo-BASIC files. You could check FreeBASIC, which is compatible with QuickBASIC (I'm not sure how different that is from TurboBASIC). Also, TurboBASIC still exists, it's now called PowerBASIC. It is expensive, however.
