
Library--some elements not working for me

  • Dale Grover

    Dale Grover - 2004-08-25

    [Running pcb-2004530, 1.99p on Mac OS X 10.3.5 (installation from source).]

    A few library elements (old style, at this point) are not working for me.  For example, geda_BRE100 (actually, any of the BRE), or geda_HEADER12_1, though geda_HEADER12_2 works.  The error is:
    23: ERROR parsing file 'pcblib'
        line:        2
        description: 'syntax error'
    and is the same regardless of the part (i.e., same line #, same description).

    Here's common being run on both HEADER12_1 and _2:
    echo "PKG_HEADER12_1(SO8, J1, 1k)" | gm4 common.m4 - | awk '/^[ \t]*$/ {next} {print}' | more
    PKG_CONNECTOR_DIL(SO8, J1, 1k,  6)


    echo "PKG_HEADER12_2(SO8, J1, 1k)" | gm4 common.m4 - | awk '/^[ \t]*$/ {next} {print}' | more
    Element(0x00 "SO8" "J1" "1k" 260 0 3 100 0x00)
            Pin(50 50 60 30 "1" 0x101)
            Pin(150 50 60 30 "2" 0x01)
             Pin(50 150 60 30 "3" 0x01)
            Pin(150 150 60 30 "4" 0x01)
             Pin(50 250 60 30 "5" 0x01)
            Pin(150 250 60 30 "6" 0x01)
             Pin(50 350 60 30 "7" 0x01)
            Pin(150 350 60 30 "8" 0x01)
             Pin(50 450 60 30 "9" 0x01)
            Pin(150 450 60 30 "10" 0x01)
             Pin(50 550 60 30 "11" 0x01)
            Pin(150 550 60 30 "12" 0x01)
            ElementLine(0 0 0 600 20)
            ElementLine(0 600 200 600 20)
            ElementLine(200 600 200 0 20)
            ElementLine(200 0 0 0 20)
            ElementLine(0 100 100 100 10)
            ElementLine(100 100 100 0 10)
            Mark(50 50)

    Has anyone seen this?

    So far this looks like a very nice package, by the way.

    I am curious about the philosophy behind the libraries--my inclination would be to go by package type, not part numbers.  Therefore CK05 versus a 0.1uF capacitor--or DIP16 vs a specific 74xx.  Is there a discussion in one of the documents on this?



    • Dan McMahill

      Dan McMahill - 2004-08-25

      the BRE pkgs being broken is known.  I need to find a package drawing so I can fix them. 

      Looks like PKG_CONNECTOR_DIL() isn't defined.  I'll take a look.

      Regarding the naming, I'm with you.  I prefer a generic name.  You unfortunately can get into problems with some packages like SOT-23 with inconsistent numbering of pins between vendors.

      In terms of the existing libs,  ~geda, has lots of things like SO8, 1206, etc.  These are the generic packages.  I've used a handful of those footprints with success and am continually working on cleaning up bugs as I find them there.  For vendor specific packages, the following libraries should be pretty decent:


      In those vendor specific libs, I've been using the convention <VENDOR_NAME>_<VENDOR_PACKAGE_TYPE>
      so for example, ~minicircuits has a MINICIRCUITS_KK81 entry in it for a MiniCircuits type KK81 package.


    • Dale Grover

      Dale Grover - 2004-08-26

      Thanks for the quick response.

      I have some library thoughts/questions to follow up on which I'll post in the open discussion forum.


    • Dale Grover

      Dale Grover - 2004-08-26

      Uh oh.  Looks like the PKG_CONNECTOR_DIL() problem is on my end.  They all seem to work fine now.  I had been invoking a different version without realizing it.

      My apologies.


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