
Peculiar failure mode: Effect disappeared -#Win10

  • Bernard D. Tremblay (Ben)

    Greets! First off, thanks so much for this! I had given up on finding an effective inline EQ so this came as great good news.

    I use a laptop to distribute music 3 different amps and this works fabulously to tweak the whole.

    Out of the blue (After Win10 auto-magically updated?) the thing had no effect.
    It was all there, and all my custom configurations too. But no effect.

    Interestingly, Main Volume slider still worked. So the thing is there, present in the chain.
    Interestingly again, PreAmplifying had no effect at all.

    I had ^All still selected. And top right "On" was on. But no setting has any effect.

    I un-installed completely, APO and Peace both. And totally restored.

    Bottom-line: "Do full re-install" should be known as the fix!

    thanks again


    Last edit: Bernard D. Tremblay (Ben) 2018-09-27
  • Bernard D. Tremblay (Ben)

    I understand that even good projects go to sleep but ... don't folk get notifications of posts and comoments? I'm not used to having this ignored.

    Last time when Peace had no effect, Uninstall / ReBoot / Re-Install worked fine.
    This time, not ... re-installed with no good effect.


  • Bilal Salem

    Bilal Salem - 2018-11-10

    I'm very Sorry....
    are you in the wrong project discussion?

    if you mean "PC-Equalizer" then I'll help you with your problem.


    Last edit: Bilal Salem 2018-11-10

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