
Bug report (v. 12/2018)

  • Emdosis

    Emdosis - 2018-12-17


    I would like to report a few bugs (all related more or less) that have been 'bugging' me.

    • When moving the knob for pan width while audio is being played it will crash my audio completely and only restarting the pc will bring back sound.

    • Even when I move it very slowly it will crash the audio in the 'mediaplayers' — basically the same as bug '1' but without crashing system sounds this time (and if I disable the 'process' tab it will work again thankfully (but if I re-enable it it will stop working again!)).
      (If I remember correctly even just switching on 'process' while audio was being played has crashed my audio before...).

    • After moving the 'pan width' knob even if audio wasn't playing at the time it will return BW Oct to the minimum value (0) AND save it unto whatever preset was active at the time.

    • Just having process on (with modifications obvsly) will cancel the equalizer's effect (and disabling process (and/or the equalizer) won't necessessarily reactivate it!)

    If you could fix these, would appreciate it,


    Last edit: Emdosis 2018-12-18
  • Bilal Salem

    Bilal Salem - 2018-12-22

    Hi Joey Jaylow,
    Yes I noticed this bug in the latest version a few days ago and I solved it.
    The new version will be released very soon with several fixes.

    • Emdosis

      Emdosis - 2018-12-23



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