
PBXT 1.0.00 Alpha has been released

I have just released the first fully durable version of PBXT. Because of the amount of new code I have reverted PBXT to Alpha status. This version, 1.0-alpha, can be downloaded from:

PBXT is a highly scalable, transactional storage engine for MySQL. The main features are: multi-version concurrency control (MVCC), ACID compliant, Referential Integrity and BLOB streaming (

The PBXT project is now owned and funded by PrimeBase Technologies, an open source software development company. The web-site,, is also the new home of PBXT. Here you will find all the information, documentation, downloads, and links relating to PBXT.

I will also be talking about PBXT and BLOB streaming at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2008 next month. It would be great to see you there: Topics of my sessions include:

* Internals: How I made PBXT fully-durable.
* PBXT & SSD: Why this is a hot combination!
* BLOB streaming: How do you scale it?

Besides full durability, the latest release includes the following improvements:

* Calculation of index statistics as required by the optimizer.
* New system variables (see\).
* Implementation of SELECT FOR UPDATE.
* Group commit.

Note that this release does not have is an option to relax durability. The transaction log is always flushed on commit. A system variable to control the writing/flushing behavior of PBXT will be added to the next release.

Don't forget to look me up at the conference!

Posted by Paul McCullagh 2008-03-16

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