
PrimeBase XT / News: Recent posts

PBXT Moved to Launchpad

The PBXT project is now hosted by This was a logical step for PBXT following MySQL's move to the Launchpad development platform.

Here is the URL:

Please refer to launchpad for the latest versions, reporting and tracking bugs, etc.

Posted by Paul McCullagh 2008-10-28

PBXT 1.0.04 Alpha has just been released

Actually there have been a few more versions since 1.0, but I have been a bit lazy about announcing releases here :(

So if you have been watching the page regularly and wondering why nothing is happening I would like refer you to my blog: :)

Anyway, this release is really good, nice and fast! So check it out.

If you don't know (have/like) svn, then best download from here: read more

Posted by Paul McCullagh 2008-08-03

PBXT 1.0.00 Alpha has been released

I have just released the first fully durable version of PBXT. Because of the amount of new code I have reverted PBXT to Alpha status. This version, 1.0-alpha, can be downloaded from:

PBXT is a highly scalable, transactional storage engine for MySQL. The main features are: multi-version concurrency control (MVCC), ACID compliant, Referential Integrity and BLOB streaming ( read more

Posted by Paul McCullagh 2008-03-16

PBXT 0.9.90 has been released

I have recently released PBXT 0.9.90 and MyBS version 0.5.03. PBXT is a transactional storage engine for MySQL (, and MyBS is a storage engine that enables streaming of BLOB data directly in and out of a MySQL database (

For this release I have completed changes to the MySQL Connector/J 5.0.7, to allow BLOB data to be transparently stored and retrieved from the MyBS BLOB repository. The new version of the driver is called MySQL Connector/J SE (streaming enabled).... read more

Posted by Paul McCullagh 2007-10-25

PBXT 0.9.86 the MySQL Conference 2007 release!

PBXT 0.9.86 the MySQL Conference 2007 release!

I have just released PrimeBase XT 0.9.86 (, which will be my last release before the MySQL User Conference this year. The most significant change in this version is the reduction of the number of data logs used per table. This, and a number of other modifications, makes PBXT fit to handle databases with 1000's of tables.

If you would like to learn more about the development and design of PBXT then join me for my session at the MySQL User Conference in Santa Clara, on Wed, April 25, 10:45am - 11:45am, Ballroom F:... read more

Posted by Paul McCullagh 2007-04-09

PBXT 0.9.85 Released w/ Windows support

PrimeBase XT 0.9.85 has just been released. This version includes support for 32-bit Windows NT/XP platforms.

Since MySQL for Windows does not yet support runtime pluggable engines, I have built MySQL 5.1.16 with the PBXT storage engine compiled in.

The binary is included in the pbxt-0.9.85-plugins.tar.gz package now available for download. Instructions on how to install are provided in the README file.

Posted by Paul McCullagh 2007-03-15

Binary distribution for PBXT now available

I have just posted the first binary distribution of the PrimeBase XT storage engine for MySQL.

You can download the package from:

To install:

1. Unpack the .tar.gz package.

2. Start your MySQL server.

3. Execute: sudo ./install

The installer automatically determines the version of the server running and installs the corresponding plug-in.... read more

Posted by Paul McCullagh 2007-02-08

PBXT Storage Engine 0.9.8 w/ Referential Integrity released

Version 0.9.8 (Beta) of the PrimeBase XT storage engine for MySQL 5.1 has just been released. PBXT is a transactional storage engine for MySQL which can be loaded dynamically by the pluggable storage engine API of MySQL 5.1. Full MVCC (multi-version concurrency control) support and a unique "write-once" strategy make PBXT particularly effective under heavy update loads.

The major feature of this new version is foreign key support. The implementation is similar to that of InnoDB and includes the RESTRICT, CASCADE and SET NULL options. Information about further changes can be found in the release notes: read more

Posted by Paul McCullagh 2007-01-31

PBXT 0.9.73 Beta released

In this release I have updated the mysql-test scripts so that they run with the current MySQL 5.1 BitKeeper source tree. This version identifies itself as 5.1.13.

3 or 4 of the tests fail depending on your platform. For example, the scripts using DELAYED INSERT as described in bug #1587753, which appears to be a MySQL problem (but I will have to prove this, of course).

Posted by Paul McCullagh 2006-10-31

Welcome to PrimeBase XT on SourceForge!

The PrimeBase XT ( source code is now hosted by SourceForge. The current version, 0.9.72 Beta, has been posted for download. Alternatively, you can checkout the latest source code from Subversion:

svn co pbxt

Currently only the MySQL 5.1 version of PBXT is hosted here. This is the version which is built as a so-called "pluggable" storage engine. A pluggable storage engine is a shared library which can be loaded at runtime by MySQL.... read more

Posted by Paul McCullagh 2006-10-24