
PBS Accounting Package / News: Recent posts

PBS Accounting Toolkit v1.4.3 available

The new accounting toolkit release includes the latest PBS accounting reporting engine which supports new Excel reports, spruces up the PDF report, and has additional support for URWG XML accounting data from the global grid forum via a new pluggable lookup mechanism.

Posted by Rodney Mach 2003-12-18

PBS Accounting Toolkit v1.4.2 available

Version 1.4.2 of the PBS Accounting Toolkit is a bugfix release. All users should upgrade to this release.

Posted by Rodney Mach 2003-10-21

Version 1.4.1 has final draft UsageRecord compliance

This release supports the final draft of the UsageRecordFormat from the Global Grid Forum (GGF) via the pbstogrid command. This is the first compliant software with the the proposed grid standard.

Posted by Rodney Mach 2003-10-06

Version 1.4 of PBS Accounting Package, with Grid Support

Version 1.4 of the PBS XML Accounting Package is now released. This version has support for the
converting to the Global Grid Forums UR-WG
draft XML format. Also included are all reported bug fixes, as well as support for additional PBS accounting features. All users should upgrade to this release.

Posted by Rodney Mach 2003-07-31

Version 1.3 available, with new PDF report generation

Version 1.3 of the PBS XML Accounting package is now released. This version supports the OpenPBS and PbsPro accounting to XML conversion, and the new Darkslide reporting engine creates fancy PDF reports from the XML accounting data produces from this release.
for more information and examples.

Stay posted for release 1.4 will contain Excel reports as well as more graphs for PDF and enhanced customization.

Posted by Rodney Mach 2003-04-30

Version 1.2 available

Version 1.2 of the pbs accounting package is released. This release adds support for
PbsPro accounting format, and minor bug fixes.

Posted by Rodney Mach 2003-04-08

Version 1.0 released

Version 1.0 of the pbs accounting package is released. This release supports PBS accounting records produces on Linux, with DTD and XML Schema support. Support for producing NPACI Joblog and Grid Form Account format also included.

Posted by Rodney Mach 2003-01-06