

Nico Max


I am a long time user of a certain image browsing tool. It is very effective at using it; it is fast with a simple yet effective user interface. Buf where it does shine on the functional side there are some very annoying habits at it which I learned to hate.

So I came up with my own variant of an image browsing tool. And as there might be just enough tools of this kind in the open world, pBrowser aims to address some very specific non-functional topics as such:

It shall not crash on continuous usage

It shall not spuriously lock files

It shall offer a non-blocking user interface

It shall handle files containing characters from the non-Latin alphabet

It shall be specifically helpful with common tasks


  • Microsoft Windows 7 (x64) or later
  • Java Runtime v1.8 or later


Unzip the zip archive into any directory. To launch the application execute the supplied exe-file.

pBrowser will not run under 32bit Windows as it WILL consume memory very quickly on larger image files and therefore having a 64bit platform is the senseful choice..


As soon as you have the application up and running try to browse around for some files, try the application's different windows and tools. But the tool you will use the most with pBrowser is the context menu. it offers several "interactive" features like an adaptive jump list, a "Favorites"-feature as well as a window into the operating system.

Double-click on an image to see it in the Image View frame. Turning the mouse wheel will display the images in the current directory while pressing Ctrl doing it will zoom the image.


I expect pBrowser never to be as feature packed as other tools in its category Yet I intent to aim pBrowser of being highly excellent and conformant to common expectations with the features it has as much as possible.

For now pBrowser offers the following features

  • Image rotation for angles of 90 and 180 degrees; lossless for Jpegs
  • Image conversion to most used image fomats
  • Video image snapshot creation intended to aid at finding video duplicates (needs image duplicate detection tools to be useful though)
  • Automatic selection of similar named files
  • Colorization schemes for files based on custom rules
  • Activity log recording file operations aiding in common "I-forgot-something" situations
  • File searching by utilizing Locate32; browsing and common operations on the result list; tested with really huge file collections
  • Jump lists; holding the last visited places providing several common operations
  • "Pickup Words" for easier start of L32 or Google searches
  • File operations surpassing the simple Copy&Paste-scheme by utilizing several destination picking methods.
  • Several file selection variants; expected to be more helpful and to avoid common handling errors
  • No hassle with file names containing non-Latin-alphabet characters


Q) Why is the download file this big?
A) As pBrowser relies heaviely on external tools the download archive contains them as needed. This also ensures that the version of each tool matches as required.