
Peters Backup / News: Recent posts

Peter's Backup Version 3.03

Version 3.03 of Peter's backup has been released. This version supports optional encryption of data on backup media. This is important for privacy of data on disks that may be stored at an offsite location.

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2008-10-04

Peter's Backup Version 3.01

Peter's backup 3.01 supports English, Dutch and German languages.

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2008-03-15

Peter's Backup Version 3.00

Major enhancements include:

Resizeable window.
Sortable restore list.
New Options for backup.
Linux and other unix systems supported.
Runs under java.

For a full list of changes please see,
or the "What's new" link in the help files.

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2007-11-04

Peter's Backup Version 2.0 has been released.

Version 2.0 can back up files of unlimited size and create
backup files of unlimited size.

When using a file system that cannot handle huge backup files, it
automatically splits the backup into multiple files, without any user
input being required.

It supports UNICODE (double byte characters) in file names.

There is a new "directory wildcard" option to select directories you need to
back up and exclude ones you do not.... read more

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2004-09-15

Peter's Backup 1.16 bug fix release.

Peter's Backup version 1.16 fixes some bugs associated with backing up onto large disks and creating backup files that are over 2 GB in size. Please download the latest release to avoid these problems.

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2004-06-23

Peter's Backup 1.15 for your backup needs.

Spend a couple of minutes a day doing an incremental backup and spare yourself the trouble of having to re-do your work. Sooner or later you will find that you start up your computer for the day and nothing happens. Alternatively you may accidentally delete a large block of text from a file or badly mess up a document and want the previous version back.

Peter's Backup has served me well for several years. I have had several hard disk failures and also used it numerous times to recover a previous version of a file I accidentally deleted or changed incorrectly. It has never failed to restore my files successfully.... read more

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2004-05-25

Peters Backup v1.13 has been released.

For users of Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP, Peters backup has many advantages over the backup programs supplied with Windows. You can back up your data files on to disk, diskette or CD. Peters backup will keep track of file versions and disks. You can restore any file to any previous version without having to know on which disk or in which backup set it is located. You can create unlimited incremental backups. This saves time, backups and restores are very fast.... read more

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2003-10-19