
How to know if test run with jellyExample run well?

  • Conny Tigerspice

    I wanted to test if my PBJelly installation runs well, so I run it with the provided jellyExample.

    Since I got the following Message during execution of the extranction stage, I want to make shure if everything went well anyway:

    2017-01-23 09:20:35,463 [WARNING] It is unknown if networkx version 1.11 will work.
    2017-01-23 09:20:35,464 [WARNING] If you get an error here, please report it!!!

    I'm also wonderig if such messages during support stage should appear:

    2017-01-23 09:18:38,414 [WARNING] Read ['m130725_000747_00121_c100518582550000001823079209281362_s1_p0/31986/662_3287'] self-extends Node ref0000003e5 Possible Evidence of Tandem Repeat on Singleton

    Are there some output files I can compare my output to or how else can I tell if the PBJelly test got the expected results?
    I'm a little bit confused since PBJelly produces a result althoug there are the mentioned warnings.

    Since I'm running the program on a server, I cannot change the Networkx version myself and it can take some time until it was changed. (Just to tell you why I didn't change the Networkx version already)

    Any help would be appreciated (:

  • Adam English

    Adam English - 2017-01-24

    Hi, you can use on your output assembly. There should only be a single contig output the test was successful. The networkx 1.1 is untested, so I can't say it it will work, hence the error.

  • Conny Tigerspice

    Thank you for the answer!
    There is only one sequence in my result, so it worked (:

    Here is my output of in case that someone else is interested in it:

    Scaffolds | withGaps | withoutGaps
    #Seqs  |       1
    Min    |  48,457 |  48,457
    1st Qu.|  48,457 |  48,457
    Median |  48,457 |  48,457
    Mean   |  48,457 |  48,457
    3rd Qu.|  48,457 |  48,457
    Max    |  48,457 |  48,457
    Total  |  48,457 |  48,457
    n50    |  48,457 |  48,457
    n90    |  48,457 |  48,457
    n95    |  48,457 |  48,457
    Contigs | withNs | withoutNs
    #Seqs  |       1
    Min    |  48,457 |  48,457
    1st Qu.|  48,457 |  48,457
    Median |  48,457 |  48,457
    Mean   |  48,457 |  48,457
    3rd Qu.|  48,457 |  48,457
    Max    |  48,457 |  48,457
    Total  |  48,457 |  48,457
    n50    |  48,457 |  48,457
    n90    |  48,457 |  48,457
    n95    |  48,457 |  48,457
    No Gaps!
    Non-gapped Ns Count:  0

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