
Confusion about bestn parameter

  • Conny Tigerspice

    The parameter bestn for blasr in the template XML protocol is set to 1 and I found in other threads that a lot of people use that value.

    But if my reference data consists of scaffolds I want to assemble using PacBio long reads, bestn 1 should not work to achieve this, should it?

    So lets say I know that I have two scaffolds which can be "glued together" by several reads. The reads should then be mapped to both scaffolds and therefore mapped twice. So bestn 1 would not cover this.
    Or is PBJelly checking if a read that maps e.g. at the end of one scaffold with a huge overlap also maps at the beginning of an other scaffold in the gapfilling step (or at an other point)?

    And if I use a bestn > 1, is PBJelly able to use every multiple mapped read only once for the final result?

    If I should use bestn 1, please tell me why (:

    • Adam English

      Adam English - 2017-01-13

      The latter.
      You only want to use a read once in an assembly. We then trim unmapped
      tails and give them a chance to span. The 2nd Bestn mapping could be a
      subsequence of the first
      On Jan 13, 2017 6:50 AM, Cornelia Mühlich wrote:

      The parameter bestn for blasr in the template XML protocol is set to 1 and
      I found in other threads that a lot of people use that value.

      But if my reference data consists of scaffolds I want to assemble using
      PacBio long reads, bestn 1 should not work to achieve this, should it?

      So lets say I know that I have two scaffolds which can be "glued together"
      by several reads. The reads should then be mapped to both scaffolds and
      therefore mapped twice. So bestn 1 would not cover this.
      Or is PBJelly checking if a read that maps e.g. at the end of one scaffold
      with a huge overlap also maps at the beginning of an other scaffold in the
      gapfilling step (or at an other point)?

      And if I use a bestn > 1, is PBJelly able to use every multiple mapped read
      only once for the final result?

      If I should use bestn 1, please tell me why (:

      Confusion about bestn parameter

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  • Conny Tigerspice

    Thank you for your answer. That's really good to know!


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