
reducing memory requirements mapping/assembly

Neal Platt
  • Neal Platt

    Neal Platt - 2016-04-29

    I have been running into several memory related issues while running PBJelly. Most of these are in the mapping step...but I anticipate them coming around again during assembly. I have access to a cluster where nodes are limited to ~32Gb of memory. I am trying to incorporate pacbio data onto a 2.5 Gb illumina assembly that is highly fragmented.

    What are some steps that I can take to reduce the memory requirements for the mapping/assembly stage? Submit a large number of jobs with very few pacBio reads (for example work with pacBio read files with 10 seqeunces vs 10,000)? Is there a way to use blasr's bwt-fm index? Any suggestions/best practices would be greatly appreciated.

  • Adam English

    Adam English - 2016-05-12

    An easy and effective strategy is exactly what you described. Submit a large number of smaller jobs. For the assembly step, each gap assembly is attempted independently, so you won't see as large of a memory footprint.


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