
Output Filled Gaps Coordinates

  • Michael Alonge

    Michael Alonge - 2016-04-20

    I am looking for a way to obtain a bed file that contains the coordinates for all of the filled gaps in the PBJelly output fasta. I see that such a file is made for all the gaps in the initial assembly, but I cannot seem to find something similar for the output assembly.

    I would like to visualize areas of the genome that used to be gaps, but have since been either filled or partially filled by PBJelly.

    Thank you

  • Adam English

    Adam English - 2016-05-12

    There isn't a user-friendly file provided currently. However, all of the PBJelly gap-filling sequence is lower-cased in the output reference which could be used to identify gaps.

  • Michael Alonge

    Michael Alonge - 2016-05-13

    Thank you for the response Adam English. Identifying the lower case sequences should be sufficient.


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