
gap_fill_status.txt reporting multiple inter-scaffold joins for the same scaffold

  • Lisl Esherick

    Lisl Esherick - 2015-08-06


    I'm trying to use the gap_fill_status.txt file and the liftOverTable to figure out which of my original scaffolds were joined after gap filling.

    I've found that in gap_fill_status.txt, the same end of a scaffold will be reported as being being joined to multiple other scaffolds (at least in the way that I am interpreting the file)

    For example:

    ref0002030e5_ref0003806e5 filled
    ref0003806e5_ref0003939e3 filled
    ref0001191e3_ref0003806e5 filled

    The 5' end of ref0003806 has a gap between multiple other scaffolds that is listed as "filled"

    When I check in the liftOverTable, it looks like it was joined with ref0002030e5 in the final output.

    ["ref0002030e5_ref0003806e5", "-", 2413]

    I'm happy to just use the liftOverTable to solve this problem, if that is the correct solution, but I'm curious about what happened to the filled gaps between ref0003806e5_ref0003939e3, etc. Perhaps I'm just interpreting the file wrong?



  • Adam English

    Adam English - 2015-11-06

    When there are multiple gaps that are filed, PBJelly chooses the one with the higher-quality support. For example, if Gap A-B has 1 read supporting where Gap A-C has 5, we choose to fill A-C and connect those scaffolds.


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