
Employee Mgmt Software Suite / News: Recent posts

New Updates

We have done a completed overhaul of the code. Added a TON of new features:
Add / Edit employees and all their information
Add / Edit positions and all information
the ability to transfer / promote an employee without having to re-enter thier information into a new position.
the ability to terminate and archive and keep all the information that employee had but yet, not see them in the main database.
check for duplicate positions and employees
check to leave balances for all employees
and much more...... read more

Posted by Scott Reed 2010-04-01

New Features

Added a few new features: Ability to backup and restore the database. also added the option to print reports from the database. Added an a setting in the options dialog to turn on/off the ability to backup/restore the database.

Several new forms are planned for future releases:
- going to add an "Assets" section so will be able to track certain assets that may be associated with an employee (such as a laptop, etc...)

Posted by Scott Reed 2010-02-26