
The PAX-Calculator / News: Recent posts

Project halt

i have stop doing this project. because i have many more thing to do. I have not touch this project since 10/05/06. I wanted to finish some things off, but was unable to. Email me if you want me to finish. but for now, nobody's watching.

Posted by paxman2003 2007-01-29

New Graphing Stuff

I have the graph widget implement. I am very happy to get this to work. I didnt want to use any external program like GNU-plot. Though i will later have a way to save the data and use GNU-plot if you want to.

Posted by paxman2003 2006-10-02

Project Moving along

My project is comeing a long way. There is still a long way to go, but I feel happy that it is coming together the way I wanted it to.

Posted by paxman2003 2006-09-12

The Project Starts

I am very happy that this project was accepcted. I will do my best to keep it up to date. For more information about me and my programming habits, please visit my blog at

Posted by paxman2003 2006-09-06