
Java Performance Analysis Tool (Patty) / News: Recent posts

Patty beta 1.0 RC1 released!

This release fixes three important items that only appeared when running in a larger application. The heap problem with counting instances and sizes has been resolved, plus the heap iteration time has been reduced significantly.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2006-01-17

Patty beta 1.0 now available!

This release includes a port of Patty to Linux and Solaris, two important bug fixes that had minor impact on win32. This release seems stable. We're awaiting incoming bug reports and hope to provide a release candidate end of this week.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2006-01-15

Patty goes beta-0.5

The Java Performance Analyzer "Patty" is stable enough to warrant a beta release. The biggest known problems from alpha-0.5 are fixed. This release should work for application server analysis as well. A Linux port is under construction. Check the release notes for fixes and additions. Let me know how it works out for you and additional features you'd like to see.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2006-01-15

Patty releases alpha 0.5

Release alpha 0.5 of a Java Performance Analyzer (Patty) was just released on SourceForge. Check release notes for known issues, fixes and additions.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2006-01-14

Patty goes alpha!

The first alpha release for the Patty project is now out. Hurry to the download section for a peek at this new version.

Patty is a Java Performance Analysis Tool that analyzes contention, times method execution and can maintain code coverage statistics of selected classes. It has a web GUI for viewing data.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2006-01-08

Patty moves to SourceForge

Hi all,

I've been working on this tool for a couple of days, decided to opensource and here we are. The first pre-alpha release with undoubtedly some bugs and inconsistencies is out. Have a go if you want.

The intention is to use sourceforge to manage the project better and get more leverage. A roadmap is to be posted, the homepage needs to be created, a couple of screenshots maybe and more documentation how things work.... read more

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2005-12-29