
Pattern Testing / News: Recent posts

"Getting Started" section added in Wiki

This week I set up the MediaWiki provided by Sourceforge and started with a "Getting Started" section. This section is now available at

Posted by Oliver Boehm 2009-05-28

PatternTesting Talk on the Java Forum Stuttgart 2009

On the Java Forum Stuttgart there is a talk about PatternTesting (in German, see\)

Posted by Oliver Boehm 2009-05-23

Patterntesting Reloaded

It was quiet in the last years. In the last months I began to reanimate this project and to investigate some time to understand it. As a result of this activity the build was switched to Maven 2 and PatternTesting 0.5.0 and 0.5.1 was released.

Posted by Oliver Boehm 2008-04-28

Matt Smith is taking the lead!

After several months of no activity, the project is getting alive again! Matt Smith is now taking the lead. On my side, I have not forgotten the idea of doing Pattern Tests using AOP. I am actually continuing this exploration with Cactus2 (see\), in a slightly different way (but quite close actually). ... read more

Posted by Vincent Massol 2004-03-03

Project Description

Idea :

On all development projects I have worked on, I have had to write Development/Implementation Guides that explain the best practices (that I call Patterns here) that the development team would have to use. For example :

- Use a JDBCWrapper class for all database access,
- Any application exception must be a subclass of BusinessException, TechnicalException or CriticalException,
- All coarse-grain services (usually implemented a stateless session bean - they are the implementation of the use case and call several fine-grained services which are organised in domains - customer, accounting, etc) must be located in such package,
- It is forbidden to use System.out to log. For such a need, all code must such logger service,
- Any component must inherit from AbstractComponent class,
- MVC pattern must be used,
- etc.... read more

Posted by Vincent Massol 2002-03-23