

Stefan Meinlschmidt


Patchmaster is a simple two-pane (aka Norton) style file manager with focus on MIDI devices (synthesizers et al.) and their sysex dumps. Additional to the file system it can access patches residing on MIDI devices or within sysex files and allows to copy them around. I.e. it allows you to up- and download patches, settings etc. to/from your synths.

As every MIDI device speaks different sysex messages, only devices for which patchmaster includes a driver can be supported. For unsupported devices only capturing sysex messages that happen to fly by (because you triggered the dump on the device itself) or directing sysex to some device ID on some MIDI port is possible.

patchmaster is open source, it is available under the terms of the MIT license.


I have split out some utilities of more general interest (to me, anyway). If you want to use them separate from the original patchmaster, you can find them in their own repository, moddiutils.

Project artifacts

patchmaster is very much in an under-construction state, hence no downloads are available. If you are interested you can have a look into the sourcecode repository.

Stay tuned, it will only be a few more years until a proper release, I promise!

Project Members:

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.


Wiki: moddiutils