
Php Admin Tools / News: Recent posts

Developpement status

this is the aim of next release (project still active)

- ability to add as many 'ressources' which are files, mysql servers, ftp accounts
- redesigned core of app to be extendable by editing an xml file not script source
- template, form validation (smarty)

this release will be available in next months

in mind : building a multiuser application, user restrictions based on login on pear::auth class

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2004-04-16

0.0.9 bug!

a big bug is in 0.0.9 release, and it affect new feature pseudo-safe-mode that is all 'actions', with a message saying file/folder rejected.

you can download a fix here

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-10-08

3 packages

I decided to split PAT in two for two new packages :
- light install is only PAT application
- extra apps are others program i found usedfull to add to PAT

full install has all these files in one package

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-09-26

Release 0.0.9 beta

this new version is a security enhanced 0.0.8. it feature a new 'pseudo-safe-mode' to reduce vulnerability

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-09-26


it's the 1000 downloaded file since the realy first release of this project, in january.

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-09-17

Release 0.0.8

Biggest release ever. A lot of new features, finished features and a lot of bug fixes.

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-07-22

Released 0.0.7 patch 1

this minor update correct download feature for zip download. tar and tgz are still buggy

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-04-12

Released version 0.0.7

after few weeks of developpement, this is the release 0.0.7.

it has a lot of little changes.

Main part of worked is for handling mysql table : importing, exporting, (and also deleting, others actions are very well performed by phpMyAdmin, so i don't implement them yet).

It has also a new feature : uploading directly from a web url by the webserver, that is called 'upload from a web url'. With this method, you can ask webserver to download it for you. Especially usefull when you have PAT on your webserver at home : if you want to upload an internet document : just give the url and it does it for you.

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-04-06

bug in installation of 0.0.6b2

it seem that in some packages of version 0.0.6b2, the folder './cache' is not existant, probably because there is no file in it. So to correct it, if you have a lot of errors telling that cache folder can't be opened, create it and give write access to it. This bug has been corrected for next version.

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-02-13

Need Help

I need help about one thing : How did it work for you? i only have to test win 2k and it's browser (netscape mozilla opera and ie) which all works pretty well. But i would like to know about konqueror, and on *nix os if it works or not (rendering, use, if actions performe well...). Please tell me...

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-02-10

Online Demo

Check to see a online demo on PAT

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-02-03

0.0.6 Beta Release

this update has few bugs correction and integration of XT Dump, a tool for exporting Mysql Tables into Sql Files.

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-02-03

Speed tests

i made a speed test and some computing about rendering of pages in PHP and bottleneck of rendering pages in client browser. result could be found here :
result is amazing!

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-01-24

Developpement projects

Next version 0.0.6 will include

* support for mysql tables administration : importing and exporting to cvs and sql files, copying, deleting, moving accross tables
* intertionalization support
* themes support

version is planned in two months : in march

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-01-14

First Release

It's the first release of Php Admin Tools, a new file manager written in PHP and javascript. It has all standard features, but also can remotely create compressed archives (.zip, .tgz, .tar) and manage Apache folder protections (htaccess and htpasswd files). Please feel free to submit any bug you find in Bugs Page

Posted by Jean Philippe GIOT 2003-01-10