
Adding Groups Broken

  • Scott Vanderbilt


    Adding new Groups does not work. I have a Password Safe that currently has three top-level Groups. With all of the Groups collapsed and first Group highlighted, selecting Add Group from Edit menu adds the new Group under the first Group, which is not the desired result. I want a new top-level Group. Doing the same action with the last top-level Group selected does the same thing (i.e., places the new Group inside the third top-level Group).

    I have also tried to moving these new subgroups out of their parent folder and up to the top level by dragging. This does not work. No matter where I release the mouse after the drag, the Group is either not moved, or moved into one of the existing top-level groups.

    How do I create a new top-level Group?

    Thank you.

    I'm running PWSafe 3.39.01 (g0c799c2) under Windows 7 (x64).

  • Scott Vanderbilt

    More on this. Group management appears to be badly broken, beyond just the ability to add new Groups. Moving them creates bogus entries, sometimes several levels deep, and these cannot be deleted. My Safe is now filled with these non-deletable Groups. How can I trouble-shoot this issue? Thanks.

    • Johan Vromans

      Johan Vromans - 2016-07-12

      On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 19:10:48 +0000
      "Scott Vanderbilt" wrote:

      More on this. Group management appears to be badly broken, beyond just
      the ability to add new Groups. Moving them creates bogus entries,
      sometimes several levels deep, and these cannot be deleted. My Safe is
      now filled with these non-deletable Groups. How can I trouble-shoot this
      issue? Thanks.

      Is there a relation with bug 1311?

    • Johan Vromans

      Johan Vromans - 2016-07-13

      On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 19:10:48 +0000
      "Scott Vanderbilt" wrote:

      More on this. Group management appears to be badly broken, beyond just
      the ability to add new Groups. Moving them creates bogus entries,
      sometimes several levels deep, and these cannot be deleted. My Safe is
      now filled with these non-deletable Groups. How can I trouble-shoot this
      issue? Thanks.

      Is there a relation with bug 1311?

  • DrK

    DrK - 2016-07-11

    Are you running the latest version ? There were some group issues that were fixed a few releases ago ?

    What operating system are you using ?

  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2016-07-12

    DrK, the OP mentioned using the latest version on Windows 7. I also upgraded to this latest version on windows 8.1. I think there is a problem with empty Groups. I've noticed the following behaviors:

    1. Edit>'Delete Group' on an empty group does not delete the group in the tree view.
    2. Edit>'Delete Entry' on the last entry in a group leaves the empty group in the tree view (I believe this is a new feature and is working as designed).
    3. Dragging the last entry out source group that has no empty subgroup to a destination group causes the source group to be removed from the tree view. Maybe until #1 is fixed, a workaround method to delete an empty group from the tree view is to add an entry to it and then drag it out.
  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2016-07-12

    To the original question 'How do I create a new top-level Group?'

    One way is to have a top level entry. Then right click on a top level entry and select 'Add Group' or make a top level entry the currently selected entry and use Edit>Add Group. You can always create a top level entry by leaving Group blank in Add Entry.

  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2016-07-12

    Found another scenario which I believe is strange behavior for Groups. I can provide a separate bug report if desired, but it could also be related to what might be happening to the original poster.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a new db
    2. Add Group name g1
    3. Right click on g1 and Add Group g2
    4. Add a top level entry with title zzz
    5. Drag Group g2 unto entry zzz (This simulates what might happen trying to drag a group to the top level)

    After step 5, a new group is created with the same title as the entry and with the group structure of Group g1 underneath it. Should it work this way?

  • DrK

    DrK - 2016-07-12


    To keep you informed. I have started to look at this and have fixed the first issue: deletion of an empty group. However, this doesn't fix your second issue when dragging the last entry out of a group. I will continue to look at this as it is in completely different code dealing with Drag & Drop.. You are correct that there was a recent change to "emulate" Windows explorer that leaves a directory when its last file is deleted and so "Delete Entry" is working as designed.

    I would be grateful if you would raise a Bug Report for your two issues so that they can be tracked.

    MrMe please raise a separate Bug Report for your issue. I believe that the correct result should be that your entry zzz remains unchanged and that empty group g2 is now in the root (with g1). Obviously, Drag & Drop needs updating with regards to moving an empty group.


  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2016-07-12


    BR #1342 created.

    Thank you for looking into this.

  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2016-07-13


    Regarding relation to bug 1311; I don't experience bug 1311 in windows using v3.39.1

  • DrK

    DrK - 2016-07-14

    Scott: I have created BR 1343 for your original problem on your behalf.

    I believe I have fixed both this and BR 1342 locally but need to do further testing before committing to the main repository.

    I will now only update the Bug Reports to save duplication.

  • SomNamNa

    SomNamNa - 2016-07-19

    Sorry if this is not an appropriate way to ask a question, but I have sent two emails in an attempt to start a new thread but without success.

    My problem is that I cannot version 3.39.1 to run on Windows XP.

    It installs but when I try to run it I get the error: "pwsafe is not a valid win32 application"

    I re-installed 3.38.2 and that version works.

    Again, my apologies for posting in this thread.

    • Rony Shapiro

      Rony Shapiro - 2016-07-19

      3.39 has an XP version that shoud work (look for XP in the installer name). If you're only using English, there's no difference between 3.39 and 3.39.1.

      Let me know how this works out for you.

      • SomNamNa

        SomNamNa - 2016-07-19

        Thank you for your reply. If I recall correctly, I got the new version using the "FileHippo" update manager. It clearly gave me the non-XP version.

        I just downloaded and installed the version "pwsafe-3.39.0XP.exe".

        It installed and ran but when right-clicking on the System Tray icon, there are no words, just the icons that precede the words.

        Also, when pwsafe is opened, there are no words on the File, Edit, View, etc menus, just an up arrow and a down arrow on all drop down menus.

        Here are two screenshots. The first is of the system tray icon after right clicking:

        The second is of the Edit menu drop down items:

        The same problems exist with the .msi version.

        Sorry to be such a pain! I've now reinstalled 3.38.02 and it is OK.


        Last edit: SomNamNa 2016-07-19
        • SomNamNa

          SomNamNa - 2016-08-20

          Any developments on the problem I posted a month ago?

          • Rony Shapiro

            Rony Shapiro - 2016-08-21

            We're a bit limited in our ability to work on this as we can't reproduce the problem on our XP VMs. Any help would be welcome here.

            • SomNamNa

              SomNamNa - 2016-08-26

              OK, I understand, Mr Shapiro. It may be something I've installed/uninstalled recently that is causing the problem so I'll keep using the previous version for now and when there is another update I'll give that one a go.

              If that one shows the same problem, I'll do some more investigating and report back.

              I've been using Password Safe since 2008 (v3.13) so I'm pretty happy with it overall. :)

  • Gabriel

    Gabriel - 2016-08-15

    I'm also having the issue when deleting groups, I have to drag an entry inside the group and then drag it out to have it deleted.

  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2016-08-16

    The issue when deleting groups is now a known issue with v3.39.1.

  • SomNamNa

    SomNamNa - 2016-09-25

    Same problem with version 3.40.0.

    Back to 3.38.2.


    Last edit: SomNamNa 2016-09-25
  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2016-09-25

    For now, pwsafe-3.39.0XP.exe is the last version to support Windows XP.


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