
Feature Request: name-value pairs

Dan Field
  • Dan Field

    Dan Field - 2021-02-16

    Storing ancillary information for any single database entry is accomplished via the notes field. However, storing information like this is makes it really painful to extract things like security question answers and/or user ids that consist of multiple entries (eg one of my health care providers uses 3 independent fields that identify me).

    Might I humbly suggest that the database implement a new field that essentially allows these name-value pairs to be more easily stored, viewed, managed, and retrieved. A drop-down box would be the obvious choice for retrieving and dragging/dropping into form fields when logging in and accessing a site. For entry into the database and editing/viewing those fields a simple 2-column (Name, Value) table could be presented to the user.

    Most of the notes entries in my database would disappear should something like this be implemented.

  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2021-02-16

    Yes, this is in design stages.

  • Dan Field

    Dan Field - 2023-11-13

    Has this gotten any further along? I hope so!

  • Dan Field

    Dan Field - 2024-01-01

    I guess not. Too bad because I can't think of a better available password manager solution than this but it needs this update.

    If one of you has been working in this area and would be willing to share, I'd sincerely like to help the effort. If the discussion forum contains topics along these lines, please point them out to me. Thanks.


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