Barry Shaklan - 2002-01-15

This message was originally sent email to Jim Russell before registering here.  Repeated for forum:

I have been using Password safe 1.71 and in October moved it over to Windows XP Professional without any difficulty or any problem with it working.  I have a quick launch bar on the bottom of the screen and have a PW icon on that which I use frequently.  It expands and requires a password to get into the data base.   The data base file has been moved to MY Documents for my sign-in which allows it only to be accessed by me but since the program is stored in C:\my programs so it is available for use by all users by each with their own database.  In fact, all my data files have been moved to My Documents so that I can just backup that folder and it includes any data I have.

The only complaint I have about the program is something which should be a problem to all users.  When I open the program to create a new password and I transfer the password to the program  or URL that I am trying to register with, I run the risk of accidentally losing my copy of the password if I close out Password safe before I save it.    Just to be clear:
    (1) Open password safe
    (2) create a new password  to register a new site or program
    (3) accidentally close password safe before saving it and thereby losing my copy of the password so I no longer can enter the
        site or program I registered in.

I would recommend that PWSafe have an automatic data update immediately (a la Quicken) which does not have a SAVE function but automatically puts all date directly into the data file.  That way if the computer crashes or Safe gets closed the new password will still be present.
