
Import/Export feature

  • Jithendra Bethur

    I wish there was an Import/Export feature (primarily in CSV format).
    (Optionally the imported/exported file could be in encrypted/secure form if desired)

    Applications/Uses of this features:
    Interoperability with other similar software (on various other platforms where a port is not available, like Palm).
    Migration from/to other similar software (for PCs)


    • James Curran

      James Curran - 2002-05-24

      I'd like to suggest adding Import/Export in encrypted form, particular of subsets of a database, using a different password.

      Here's the scenario I envision:
      A company agrees to use PasswordSafe as the company standard.  All employee use it for all their passwords (personal & work).  He decides one day to change all the password for the common systems.  He enters them into his personal PasswordSafe file.  He then selects just those entries, clicks File/Export, and enters a new password.    He can then email that new file to all the affected employees.   The start their own personal copies of PasswordSafe (with their own password), then click File/Import, entry the previously agreed upon distribution password to merge the file, and the deletes the email--- New passwords widely distributed in a secure manner.


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