
Android Local File

  • BernardIE5317

    BernardIE5317 - 2023-04-20

    greetings kind regards i managed to open a PS file on my Android after uploading from Windows to DropBox and utilizing PasswardSafe Sync . now i am confused as it seems the only manner in which to continue to do so is to go through Sync on each occasion rather than to go through PS directly on the Android as i see no UI as in Windows version to open a particular file either on DropBox or preferably local . is this in fact the case ? thank you kindly

  • Jeff Harris

    Jeff Harris - 2023-04-21

    If you have added your Dropbox account to PasswdSafe Sync, there should be an entry in the PasswdSafe main top-left menu. Selecting it should show you the files you selected to sync in the Sync app.

  • BernardIE5317

    BernardIE5317 - 2023-04-25

    i merely Bluetooth'ed the PS file to the Android device . it worked fine . i do not understand the insistance on Sync or DropBox . i only had to change the extension to "txt" so the Android would accept it then revert it back . bingo presto works fine .

    • Mick Mickle

      Mick Mickle - 2023-04-25

      Glad your manual method of getting the PWS data file from Windows to your Android device using Bluetooth and changing the file extension is working for you. But it seems rather labor intensive and impractical if you add or modify entries in the file in both Windows and Android and you want to keep one file synced.


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