
YubiKey USB support in PasswdSafe on Android?

  • Martin Hudec

    Martin Hudec - 2022-11-06

    Hello, how does it look like with YubiKey USB support in PasswdSafe on Android mobile phones, please? Any plans for it, any idea about the effort needed?

    I have one YubiKey 5C and I would love to use my Password Safe database also on my mobile... but for the moment it means I might need to get NFC version of my YubiKey...

    Thank you,

  • Jeff Harris

    Jeff Harris - 2022-11-06

    It's at the top of my TODO list for new features. Just need to find the time to work on it.

    • Martin Hudec

      Martin Hudec - 2023-03-10

      Hi Jeff, have you been successful in finding the time for this nice feature, please? If not, no worries, I am just checking out... :)

      • Jeff Harris

        Jeff Harris - 2023-03-16

        Slowly, yes. I'm having to rewrite the open screen to deal with some issues using the library provided by Yubico.

  • John Doe

    John Doe - 2022-12-31

    Im am using the NFC-version of the Yubikey 5 and it works fine - thanks for that.
    The only issue I have is that the NFC-Option of the phone must be activated before opening the app. As I have it deactivated normaly to prevent unauthorized use of this interface I often have to close and reopen the app - would be nice refine the behaviour of the app somewhat.

  • Jeff Harris

    Jeff Harris - 2023-01-01

    There doesn't seem to be a method to programmatically enable NFC on demand (likely to prevent any bad behavior). There may be a method to at least have a menu item to open the NFC settings. Disabling, though, would still require navigating to the system settings. Or, the menu would have to be on the main screen to facilitate.



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