
About Document Encryption

Caleb Lopez

PassLock uses AES encryption to secure transform your document into an unreadable mess, and make sure, that unless someone has the password, only those intended can see it's contents.

To get started, head on up to the toolbar in the main window, go to Tools -> Document Encryption. A small window will then pop up and offer you a button. Now select the file you want to encrypt, then choose where to save the newly encrypted file, and then click save. You will get a box with an AES key in it, make sure to WRITE DOWN this key, as you cannot decrypt the document without it.

Decrypting a document is just as easy, simply select the encrypted document (".enc") and then select where you want to save the decrypted document, input the key when the box comes up, and boom! Your decrypted document is now there.

AES secure keys are created on the fly when the document is encrypted, no key is ever the same, so make sure to not lose yours and write it down or the encrypted document is lost.