
pascal-webdev / News: Recent posts

Pascal Server Pages Announcement [March 2006]

We decided to continue a good tradition of monthly announcement, so it
is expected that every month the PSP DevTeam will tell you about our
progress, chages and future plans.

Here's what we have to tell you about March'06:


1. O-PSP SVN version is out!
2. PSP 1.6.X development progress.
3. References.

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Posted by Trustmaster 2006-03-30

Pascal Server Pages Announce [February 2006]

After a long period of public silence (though it was a period of hot private
discussions) Pascal Server Pages Development Team is proud to present you
this announcement.


1. Recent events in the world of PSP.
2. PSP DevTeam 2006.
3. Project roadmap:
  3.1. PSP 1.5.X.
  3.2. PSP 1.6.X.
  3.3. PSP 1.7.X.
  3.4. O-PSP.
  3.5. PSP-IDE and FakeLinux.
4. References
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Posted by Trustmaster 2006-02-20

Double release: 1.4.2 and 1.5.0

PSP 1.4.2 is expected to be the last stable release in 1.4.x branch. Let's see what it brings:
- bugfixes in error reporting;
- some other bugfixes in source code;
- a few more output functions;
- fixed tarball packaging bugs.

PSP 1.5.0 is first release in 1.5.x branch led by Lars Olson (L505). This release shows you difference between 1.4.x and 1.5.x. 1.5.x branch, also known as PWU (Pascal Web Unit), is more Pascal-related and user-friendly, while 1.4.x relies on technical clearance and requires some knowledge. This release (1.5.0) includes most of basic units, some extra units, several examples (e.g. PasForum - next generation PSP4UM) but it lacks documentation (although the code is commented rather well) and binary files which will appear in the following releases.

Posted by Trustmaster 2005-11-29

Mailing list created

A mailing list called pascal-webdev-news is created to provide latest information related to this project to its subscribers.

Posted by Trustmaster 2005-10-08

PSP Upadate 1.4.1

Next step in 1.4.x branch is made. Changes are:
- fixed range checking bugs here and there;
- improved error reporting and made PSP more verbose, new error_reporting and error_halt
options in psp.conf;
- added GZIP output compression support, included PasZLib library, added new gzip unit and
gztest.pp example;
- updated docs, added PSP FAQ and provided some information about crosscompilation.
We hope you enjoy this release while 1.4.2 is comming next month or maybe later.

Posted by Trustmaster 2005-09-29