
partyfish / News: Recent posts

Modular Database

I've updated the databse code to make it more modular. I've reduced all the functions down to 5 essentials: db_Connect, db_Query, db_Array, db_Error, and db_Close. Now partyfish will be able to use any SQL server with the right modules. I also added an ADO db module to test things, but this will only work on Windows as it uses COM objects.

Posted by Matt Hackmann 2003-12-03

Still alive

Yes we are still alive ;-). I have began hacking on partyfish again. After over an hour of messing with CVS, I think I got the current version in properly. I've updated the sessions code, and the cache module. So, stay tuned :-)

Posted by Matt Hackmann 2003-12-03

partyfish server back up :-)

The partyfish server is back up! The address has changed to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. You can also view the current status of YPNgine at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

Posted by Matt Hackmann 2003-09-15


Today we welcome our new developer DrewBurns! He will for now be only a developer, mainly working on the search engine of Partyfish and helping on other things where he can.
Welcome DrewBurns! :)
I hope you will enjoy your time here as much as we do!

There are quite few other updates currently. The "port" to smarty is in progress, school started for me, and a new Beta of Partyfish is coming closer.
Also, there lately dxprog has been working on a different version of partyfish. He is working on what is called "YPNgine", and it is based on the partyfish before we started to port everything to Smarty. It should be done in the near future, and ofcourse we will supply you with a download for it! :)
It actually is only a version of Partyfish we will use to run the page until the real partyfish is done. It won;t be capable of everything partyfish can do, but many things will already work. So, it may be a good opportunity to check out how partyfish looks and how it works for everybody interested :)... read more

Posted by Daniel Ketel 2003-09-04

partyfish server down

The partyfish server is currently down. We are not sure when it will be up again, but hopefully within a couple of weeks. So stay tuned :-)

Posted by Matt Hackmann 2003-08-29

Release information

Currently the CVS version of partyfish is not quite usefull due to the proccess of porting it to Smarty. However, there will be a new official release of partyfish as soon as all work of porting it to Smarty has been done. We still did not decide on a version number, but I'm pretty sure (99.9% :P) that it's gonna be a 0.x release, meaning that it still isn't thought for all-day use.
Big parts like the administration interface will be still missing in this release.
That's what we know for sure right now.
Again, if you're interested in helping the partyfish project in any way, you're welcome to write either me (kage-chan) or dxprog a mail or meet me in IRC.
Have a nice day!... read more

Posted by Daniel Ketel 2003-08-08

Random News

Partyfish's CVS currently is unavailable but it will be made available within this week again.
While the CVS is not available there are many things happening inside partyfish right now. Some of them are:
- Including the "Smarty" ( PHP Templating engine
- Database drivern sessions
- completely new structure of themes
and much much more.
We could really need some help here, so if you know how to use CVS, know some (or some more) PHP and SQL write us a mail or join me (kage-chan) in IRC on #partyfish... read more

Posted by Daniel Ketel 2003-07-28

Ready to roll out!

Yes, we're finally done with the preparations. Now Partyfish can have it's own, free life :) Well, kinda. As you might see we're done with the page, so from now on we can concntrate on the main thing - Partyfish itself - again. We will hopefully be able to release our second beta in a few days, but let's see how far we get.
If you're interested in joining us, simply send me (kage-chan) or dxprog a mail. It's simply kage-chan/dxprog at users dot sf dot net. (For those who don't get it: those mail addesses are spam protected. Simply replace the at with a "@" and the dot with a ".")
There still is no FAQ on the page, and there won't be any unless you guys (yes, you who is reading this right now *grin*) ask em. You're free to mail them to us or simply add them as a comment to this news.
That's it for now. Gotta get some things done ;)... read more

Posted by Daniel Ketel 2003-07-22

Starting out

After obtaining a good hosting environment here at SF, and a good entry over at Freshmeat for Partyfish we're finally ready to roll out.
We've already put all the partyfish code into the CVS here at SF and we're also working on a page. There won't be any promises for a date the page will be ready. "It's done when it's done" ;)

Posted by Daniel Ketel 2003-06-21