
#8 Allowed keyboard commands on the data-dependency view of a stack


While being in the data-dependency view, no fold/unfold/data dependency view requests are accepted.
But what is displayed if the 'l' key is pressed? should it be allowed?


  • Mihai T. Lazarescu

    • status: open --> pending
    • assigned_to: Mihai T. Lazarescu
  • Mihai T. Lazarescu

    'l' does nothing in dependency view.

    'e' on data nodes brings the IDE to the line with the
    declaration of variable. 'e' on statement nodes or function
    boxes brings in the IDE the source line for those items.

    In the view there is nothing to fold or unfold, by definition.

    Am I missing something?


    Last edit: Mihai T. Lazarescu 2013-07-10
  • Leonardo Solis Vasquez

    I was using the HEAP version when a graph was displayed after pressing 'l'. With the latest ParTools version, this issue is SOLVED.

    However, when trying the 'c' and 'C' commands in the same view, the Partools displays the source code of some but of not all nodes on which these commands are applied, Just to mention, the command 'C' works by combining 'c' with the 'shift' key but not with 'capslock'.

    • Mihai T. Lazarescu

      That's right, 'C' is intended as 'Shift+c'. Will fix the docs.

      Then I see that 'c' and 'Shift+c' work only when the source
      file is loaded in the IDE. This is expected, but not intended,
      I'll document the behaviour or fix if I find a way to do it
      without changing the current editor and its state.

      Until then, as a workaround use 'e' to load the source file
      for which 'c' is not working.

  • Mihai T. Lazarescu

    Opened a new ticket for 'c' won't always work issue.

  • Mihai T. Lazarescu

    • status: pending --> closed

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