
Parse::Perl / News: Recent posts

Changing release process

Up until this point we have been releasing files here, as well as on CPAN. Given the increasing volume of releases, and how slow and painful it is to release to SourceForge, we will be discontinuing all releases here, and will be releasing only on CPAN.

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2005-05-25

New Module: Perl::Squish

Perl::Squish will take your perl module and strip out as much useless material as possible, to get your code down to the minimum number of bytes.

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2005-05-25

New Module: Perl::MinimumVersion

A new Parse::Perl Project module "Perl::MinimumVersion" has just been uploaded to CPAN.

Perl::MinimumVersion will take any chunk of Perl source code and calculate the minimum version of Perl needed in order to run it.

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2005-04-20

New Module: Perl::Compare

Adding a complete overhaul for the Perl::Compare module, for generating normalised binary (yes/no) comparison/diffs of entire directory trees of perl code.

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2005-02-09

New Module: Perl::Signature::Set

A ::Set module has been added to the Perl-Signature package, for tracking large groups of files for changes all at once.

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2005-02-08

New Module: Perl::Signature

Perl::Signature, for generating "function signatures" of Perl documents, has been modernised and updated to match PPI itself, and is now ready for general use.

Go nuts!

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2005-02-07

New Module: File::Find::Rule::PPI

A new module File::Find::Rule::PPI has been completed.

This adds support for PPI::Node->find_any style queries to File::Find::Rule objects.

It is available from either CPAN, or the SourceForce file release system.

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2005-01-29

Initial changeover completed. Where to submit bug reports

The initial change-over to SourceForge has now been completed, and the first release form the newly-completed SourceForge script for PPI (0.901) has been rolled successfully.

Please note that all bugs should be submitted to the bug tracker, NOT here.

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2005-01-29

Importing in Progress: Please hold...

Hi folks. This account is still being set up. I'm currently importing the code form the repository, and should be done relatively shortly.

I'll be doing an initial release of PPI::XS as soon as the build scripts are all set up and tested.

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2005-01-27