
PAR File Specification 2.0 Draft Implementation Spec.

A much anticipated "packetized" file specification has been in development for several weeks now via the mailing list.

This new spec hopes to address many of the weaknesses of the original format, as well as provide a clear path towards extensibility, to name just a couple of the improvements.

A "Final Draft Pre-Reference Implementation" version has been made availble in the project docs for developers of clients and experienced programmers to review and make any final contributions that might be needed before moving ahead.

Credits for this recent development of the parchive project are owed to the following people (not exclusive and in no particular order):
Michael Nahas
Peter B Clements
Paul Nettle
Zendrax Xenward
Loek Jehee

And of course the original crew, most of which seem to have dropped off the face of the earth. So if anyone has heard from them please tell them the project needs their valued input at this most interesting stage.

Parity Volume Set Spec. 2.0 [2002-9-12] (pre- reference implementation version)

To provide feedback on this document join the devel discussion list here:

This project will need a reference client implementation of this spec, and some extensive testing before releasing a final version. If you would like to contribute to those tasks then please join in the discussions!

Ryan (binerman)
The Parchive Project

Posted by Ryan Gallagher 2002-09-18

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