
QuickPar PAR handling

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Quickpar is just fine at finding misnamed files but not misnamed PAR2 files. As long as the PAR2 files are the original name it will find them all. If not, it will only find the one I clicked on. I must click Add and find them myself.

    Now that the .QP2 file is hidden, we need a way to Recheck All. I can rename the folder to get it to recheck but that seems to difficult. Like FSRaid, a button to clear this cache is necessary. See the FSRaid options screen.

    QuickPar 0.6 Bug: If I check a file set then click New, I get a screen that is much too narrow and not resizable.

    Where is the right click menu on the files so I can delete them or reconstruct singly. Each thing I find missing like this I ask myself, "Did the author ever use FSRaid?" Do us all a favor and *use* FSRaid before trying to write your own RAID program. People will complain until all features in that program are implemented. FSRAID is *the* minimum standard.

    Feature: Always generate a .PAR2 file if it doesn't exist. Even if I end up deleting all the block'd parity files, I always want to keep the CRC only .PAR2 file so the files can be verified in the future.  For whatever reason it often fails to be downloaded. I want it to be generated if it isn't there from the PAR2 block files that do get downloaded. The original PAR2 generation instructions should be stored in that file in case I need to regenerate the PAR2 files exactly the same way they were done originally. I would like to look at the parameters to see how others generated their PAR2 files.

    • Peter C

      Peter C - 2003-09-22

      > Quickpar is just fine at finding misnamed files but not misnamed PAR2
      > files. As long as the PAR2 files are the original name it will find
      > them all. If not, it will only find the one I clicked on. I must click
      > Add and find them myself.

      QuickPar works on the assumption that whilst par2 files may be missnamed, they will all be missnamed in the same way. i.e "Test File.vol5+4.par2" and "Test File.vol9+8.par2" might both get missnamed as "Test_File.vol5+4.par2" and "Test_File.vol9+8.par2" (with spaces replaced by underscores), but they would not get missnamed as "TestxFile.vol5+4.par2" and "TestyFile.vol9+8.par2" (with different replacements).

      > Now that the .QP2 file is hidden, we need a way to Recheck All. I can
      > rename the folder to get it to recheck but that seems to difficult. Like
      > FSRaid, a button to clear this cache is necessary. See the FSRaid options
      > screen.

      There is a way to recheck all (although I have not yet created a button for it). You press the F5 key on the keyboard.

      > QuickPar 0.6 Bug: If I check a file set then click New, I get a
      > screen that is much too narrow and not resizable.

      This is a known problem which has already been fixed for the next release.

      > Where is the right click menu on the files so I can delete them or
      > reconstruct singly. Each thing I find missing like this I ask myself,
      > "Did the author ever use FSRaid?" Do us all a favor and *use* FSRaid
      > before trying to write your own RAID program. People will complain
      > until all features in that program are implemented. FSRAID is
      > *the* minimum standard.

      Hmmm! Do people really consider those features of FSRaid of such critical importance that they would "complain" about their absence? And do you really think I have never used FSRaid myself? Of course I have, and it was my preferred tool for verifying and repairing with PAR1 files (until now that is).

      > Feature: Always generate a .PAR2 file if it doesn't exist. Even if I
      > end up deleting all the block'd parity files, I always want to keep
      > the CRC only .PAR2 file so the files can be verified in the future.
      > For whatever reason it often fails to be downloaded. I want it to be
      > generated if it isn't there from the PAR2 block files that do get
      > downloaded. The original PAR2 generation instructions should be stored
      > in that file in case I need to regenerate the PAR2 files exactly the
      > same way they were done originally. I would like to look at the
      > parameters to see how others generated their PAR2 files.

      Now this is a good suggestion and I will add it to my wishlist.


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