
Best file splitter?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm backing up my DVD's to DVD+R. Many of them are DVD-9's (9GB) and don't fit on a single DVD+R (4.38GB). What I'd like to do is take an image of the DVD-9, split it in half. Put each half on a DVD+R and fill the extra space on each DVD+R with PAR data.

    1) This is pretty sound practice, right?
    2) What's a good file splitter? There are plenty of proprietary file splitters out there, but most are designed for floppies. You can specify a split size, but I want to just split in half. I guess I could do the math myself. I just want a splitter that uses a fairly common format and optionally, can split files in half.

    • Marco van Loon

      Marco van Loon - 2003-07-15

      a) any decent file splitter should just split
      and not add any header crap.
      b) on unix/linux I'd do the "split in half" about like this:

      if test "$1" = "";
        echo "split file into two equal size pieces"
        echo "usage: $0 file [prefix for parts]";
        MYFILESIZE=`ls -l $1|awk '{print $5 }'`
      # expr rounds down at dividing (2000 / 1024 = 1), so work around that.
        MYROUNDFIX1=`expr $MYFILESIZE "+" 1023`
        MYFILESIZEKB=`expr $MYROUNDFIX1 "/" 1024`
      # using kilobyte, since expr's counting wraps around at 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
        MYROUNDFIX2=`expr $MYFILESIZEKB "+" 1`
        MYHALFSIZE=`expr $MYROUNDFIX2 "/" 2`
        if test "$2" = "";
          split -b ${MYHALFSIZE}k $1 $1".";
          split -b ${MYHALFSIZE}k $1 $2;

      Marco van Loon

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        That sounds pretty good. But why do all the conversion to kilobytes when you can just specify -b in bytes?

        How would I splice them back together? cat?

        Is there a solution in Windows? Since my burner is on a Windows machine, it'd be more convenient.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      - kilobytes: expr's arithmatic operations seems to
      'wrap around/overflow' if the value gets over 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ... :(
      (you get a negative number then...)
      - putting it back together: cat in unix or copy /b in DOS/Windows.
      AFAIK one of the most popular filesplitters for
      windows is Mastersplitter, but I don't know if
      it supports something like "split in half"...
      (though if you can find a simple commandline filesplitter
      and have 4DOS/4NT installed, I think I can whip up
      a 4DOS/4NT batch file that does the "calculate half the filesize" stuff and feeds that to the splitter... ;) )

      Marco van Loon

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Windows Commander has a handy splitter in it's File Menu.

      You might like it for other reasons too.

    • Tristan Rhodes

      Tristan Rhodes - 2004-09-29

      Check out Dar ( which creates "slices" of a backup, and also works with Parchive.

      Use SaraB ( if you want to do cool rotations of your backups, which uses Dar and very soon will support Parchive.

      Tristan Rhodes


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