
PAP / News: Recent posts

PAP 0.2 Released

the second version of PAP is relesead. This release add some new php controls such as Sidebox and Field. The framework is moved out from the C++ code wich was reorganized for the future release of PAP1.0. Included in the release there is a sample blog application.

Posted by Gianni Ciccarelli 2009-12-01

PAP 0.1 Released

The first release of PAP has come out. PAP is a small utility program that allows users to define a database structure and to generate all the pages needed to manage its tables. The pages are written using a simple framework that can be used to extend or create new pages of the site.
PAP is written in C++; the pages are created in php5 and they use a MySQL5 dbms

Posted by Gianni Ciccarelli 2009-02-13