
Tree [20681d] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 tests 2010-05-22 Dale Cieslak Dale Cieslak [1c1841] - updated to use pyPa* constants. 2010-06-03 Dale Cieslak Dale Cieslak [b2b3c5] - added file
 README.txt 2010-05-05 Dale Cieslak Dale Cieslak [912312] - added api_info.txt with some information on t...
 api_info.txt 2010-05-05 Dale Cieslak Dale Cieslak [912312] - added api_info.txt with some information on t...
 pappy.pyx 2010-06-03 Dale Cieslak Dale Cieslak [9ae453] - fixed so that it uses the gil properly to avo...
 setup.cfg 2010-05-21 Dale Cieslak Dale Cieslak [d81a56] - added extra include dir to setup.cfg file, re... 2010-06-05 Dale Cieslak Dale Cieslak [113aba] - updated version to 0.91

Read Me

pappy - PortAudio Pushed to PYthon
Dale Cieslak <>

pappy is a pretty simple wrapping of the PortAudio library using Pyrex.  I didn't make any attempts to make it "Pythonic" in that there are no Python classes or constructs; it's simply a 1-for-1 mapping to the C library.  I've tried to keep most of the function calls identical to the C version wherever possible.  

NOTE: pappy REQUIRES PortAudio to be installed in order to run.  This should be obvious, but I'm pointing it out just in case it's not.  

See the api_info.txt file for API specifics.