
PHP_Application (PApple) / News: Recent posts

New way of distribution of PHP_Application added.

The PHP_Application project can be obtained now via PEAR channel (note that this requires PEAR >= 1.4.0).

You can install PHP_Application by adding the channel to your PEAR environment and then installing PHP_Application using the "anter" channel alias and "papple" package name:

$> pear channel-discover
$> pear config-set preferred_state beta
$> pear install anter/papple

Posted by Andrey Tereshchenko 2009-03-04

PHP_Application framework version 0.4.15b released

About: PHP_Application is a component-based platform for development of event-driven applications. It also includes the LigrtOrm library - one of the fastest ORM library for PHP.

Changes: The new version includes the LigrtOrm library now; many new classes are added, such as Registry, SqlQuery builder, classes based on Registry, such as Config, Session, Request and more; the structure of file directory of project reorganaized; many bugs are corrected.

Posted by Andrey Tereshchenko 2009-03-04

PHP_Application framework version 0.3b released

About: PHP_Application is a platform for development of event-driven applications in which two mechanisms of distribution of events for two levels of abstraction accordingly are realized. The first level are objects and their events, the second - the application and its events. The mechanism of distribution of events of the applications supports distribution of the directed and broadcasting events, and also provides synchronous or asynchronous processing events.... read more

Posted by Andrey Tereshchenko 2006-12-07

PHP_Application framework version 0.2a released

About: PHP_Application is a platform for development of event-driven applications in which two mechanisms of distribution of events for two levels of abstraction accordingly are realized. The first level are objects and their events, the second - the application and its events. The mechanism of distribution of events of the applications supports distribution of the directed and broadcasting events, and also provides synchronous or asynchronous processing events.... read more

Posted by Andrey Tereshchenko 2006-03-07

PHP_Application is transferred in Subversion repository.

The further work under the PHP_Application project will proceed in Subversion repositories. Support of a CVS repository stops.

Posted by Andrey Tereshchenko 2006-03-05

PHP_Application framework version 0.1.1a released

About: PHP_Application (PApple) is an abstract model for any type of Web based application. It uses widely known ideas which have proven worthwhile in other programming languages. These include a tree-like structure of objects for the application, event objects, the ability to control access of object properties, a model of distribution of application events, multilanguage support, division of design from code, and more. It offers a choice of page generation engines.... read more

Posted by Andrey Tereshchenko 2005-09-13

PHP_Application object model version 0.1 released.

Is a Object-Oriented Model of PHP_Application designed in Sybase PowerDesigner 10. It is useful to you if you use the PowerDesigner in the development.

Posted by Andrey Tereshchenko 2005-03-17

PHP5 object language file version 0.1 released.

A php.xol object language file contains specifications for a PHP5 language. It provides Sybase PowerDesigner with the syntax and guidelines for generating objects and implementing stereotypes, data types, scripts and constants for an object language. It is distributed as addition to the project PHP_Application and it is useful to you if you use the PowerDesigner in the development.

Posted by Andrey Tereshchenko 2005-03-04