
Tool to split merged result files from pFind

Hsin Tang
  • Hsin Tang

    Hsin Tang - 2020-02-25

    Hello, I am interested in using PANDA to analyze pFind results. The readme describes a tool to split pFind results where all raw files were searched together. I am wondering if the tool is already available? Thank you!

  • BPRC-Bioinformatics

    Hi, sorry for the late reply. The split tool is already done but recently I have to work at home due to the pandemics. So I plan to take some extra time to rewrite the code and upload to SourceForge by the end of this month. Thank you for using PANDA and PANDA-view.

  • Hsin Tang

    Hsin Tang - 2020-04-13

    Thank you. Eagerly looking forward to it. Stay safe.

  • Hsin Tang

    Hsin Tang - 2020-05-18


    I tried the split tool, but unfortunately it did not work for me. Below is the error:

    W:\pFind\Data\EischenC\20-L014\Combined\result>pFindSplit.exe pFind.protein
    Loading the protein file from pFind results: pFind.protein
    Cannot find the right folder path from the input file!
    0 files are split from the input filethe total time of pFindSplit is 0.00s.

    Any help is appreciated.


    • BPRC-Bioinformatics


      Thank you so much for the feedback:)
      It was because I assumed the users should use the absolute path of the input file, rather than the file name of the input file. In your case, the correct command line should be :
      pFindSplit.exe W:\pFind\Data\EischenC\20-L014\Combined\result\pFind.protein
      (The input file pFind.protein should include its path, rather than the file name only)
      Now, I have updated the tool pFindSplit to add a new parameter "output foler" to avoid this bug.

      You can use the latest version ( in the website ( I also update the readme to show the detailed usage of this tool.

      Feel free to contact me if you have any question or suggestion.



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